Sunday, January 9, 2022

The Red Pill Is The BROWN SHIT Pill? Does Red And Blue Makes BROWN?

The Matrix Has You Or Is It The Jesuits???

Blue Pill 35/46/89/127 Sheeples (73/89/217 Lackbrained) (73/89/172/206 Fluoridisation) (46/89/127 Narratives) (89/127/271 Demasculinisation) (64/89/127/251 Incapacitating) (53/82/172 Instructible) (46/89/127 Manipulatable) (Org/ROrg 116/100 Mainstream Operation, Blue/Red Pill)

Red Pill 40/41/67 Five Six (41/67/113 Mainstream) (41/40/113 TV Forget) (50/76/113 Broadcasting) (41/86/76 Suckered) (67/50/113 TV Program) (68/67/131 Programming) (40/41/59 TV News) (76/59/140 Television) (50/76/131 Deceptive TV) (40/41/85/131 Pharmacy) (59/85/131 Pharmaceutical) (40/50/76/140 Vaccines) (Org/ROrg 113/76 Fluoride Water)

The Matrix 53/46/118 Ignorant (64/80/215 Indoctrinated) (62/170/181 Intentionally) (53/64/181 Blue/Red Pill) (Org/ROrg 166/131 Programming, Humiliation, Sensationalised (166/113 Superconfused, Followership, Laughterful, Thought Crimes))

Distract You 47/56/70/142 Gematria (J 1037=137/74 Government) (Org/ROrg126/171 Desperation)

Don't Look Here 56/70/142 Gematria (61/65/142/128 Signwriter) (Org/ROrg 152/172 Instructible (127/251 Incapacitating))

Pharmacist 54/63/108/162 Hoodwinked (45/36/81/108 Hideous) (63/81/126 Deceivability) (45/63/126 Mislead) (FB 143/181 Manipulative) (Org/ROrg 118/162 Controlled (118/125 Mockfully, Poisoning)

The original Matrix movie begins with the number 506 zooming out as the story line begins. Most truthers know the plot but the reality of the narrative is in the decodes. The 4th installment of the Matrix has our hero popping blue pills and is quickly brought back into the real world with the red pill.

This decode is quit accurate given that the RED PILL is coded with the 113 deception number but it’s much more than just mainstream medias as the decodes point out. So...does the Matrix Has YOU? It will if you take their coded words above.

They are distracting you when you use Gematria so the aim is Not use their Coded Language and they want you you to LOOK HERE and DON’T LOOK HERE where they are close to collasping the dollar. Do you think they want you to do the necessary preparations for their planned economic collapse???

Any pills dispensed by a Pharmacist is toxic to the human body. The decode above shows you clearly that pills are poison to you and thus people need to stay away from pharmaceuticals.

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