The Maui Fires….Real Or Bogus???
Five Of The One Hundred Six Dead 135/162/126/234/270/432 (207/225 Conspiratorially) (207/171 Superdubiously, Proscriptively, Resultlessness) (216/270 Predeterminedly, Overgeneralization) (126/162 Crisis Actress) (Org/ROrg 362/340=181/170 Extemporizing, Intentionally (118/71 Conspires, Controlled)
Five Of The One Zero Six Dead 125/152/109/208/260/361 (118/206 Confident Man) (62/163 Disneyland) (215/163 Scriptitiously) (26/163 Satanical) (134/163 Crisis Actor) (Org/ROrg 279/342=93/114 Characterised, Choreograph, Performance (93/141 Hospitalism, Tribulation, Extemporize, Questioned))
Five Of One Hundred Six 106/133/92/155/223/290 (106/92/223/290 The Synagogue Of Satan) (115/209 Flimflamming) (101/209 Destructibility) (92/142/209 Deceitfulness) (92//232 Indoctrinization, Cabalistical, Phototherapeutic) (Org/ROrg 266/247=266/472=133/236=133/263 Controlled Media Operation, Mainstream Media Deception)
Five Of One Zero Six 96/123/75/129/213/219 (69/57/123 Conspiracy, Divinizing, Choreographed) (69/84/132/219 Faked Injuries) (69/57/132/192 Propagandize) (75/96/111/213 Choregraphic) (84/96/219 Phototherapeutics) (Org/ROrg 183/249 Fictionalization)
Plus Five Minus Five 84/138/96/141/228/231 (114/111 Psychological Operation) (84/96/201/231 Unconvincibility) (84/96/231 Superbelievably) (96/57/123/201 Foreshadowed) (96/84/123 Choreographed) (84/123/120 Conjurers) (105/123 Conspiracy) (48/51/132 Dishonesty) (69/93/132 Characterizable) (51/48/132 Woundless) (141/183 Fictionizing) (Org/ROrg 221/238 Preinterpretative, Nonilluminatingly (212/238=106/191 Ritualistically, Theatricalization (191/160 Scripturality, Bloodlessness, Impersonating) (61/119 Con Artist, Hoodwinkable, All Seeing Eye)
Five Five 48/42/78/84/132 (30/42/84/132 Fake News) (51/57/123 Conspiracy) (15/48/60 Hoax) (78/57/123 Choreographed) ( (48/69/132 Transcript) (60/84/132 Faked Injuries) (51/75/132 Distraction) (Org/ROrg 106/110 Hoaxster, Teletranscription (110/160 Programmed) (61/101 Craftiest, Misadvise) (110/61 Godplaying)
Is it LIVE or is it MEMOREX...that’s the question you will have to ascertain by this decode!!! Is the Maui Fire Incident a real event or is it a media induced event. I listen to this report and saw the numbers that’s being decoded above. I found it odd that when you minus 5 from 106 which equals 101 and adding 5 to 106 equals 111. The number 101=the 26th prime and 26 is coded to the word GOD and LIE. The number 111 when multiplied by 6 =666 and this number is the mark of the beast.
What are the odds that when you decode FIVE FIVE which is Satan’s number and you find the words CONSPIRACY and FAKE NEWS coded into the numbers.
Also…what are the odds of the first two decodes finds the words CRISIS ACTRESS and CRISIS ACTOR…two key personnel essential to manufacture a bogus narrative aimed for the mainstream medias in order for them to perpetrate FAKE NEWS.
In my mind this event is as fictitious as the 9/11 event which was fabricated lies and deceptions enhanced by the mainstream manipulations of your mind. Don’t be fooled!!
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