Thursday, August 10, 2023


Was Jesus A Black Or White SON Of GOD Decoded!!

Jesus born an African man 83/101/133/151/219/349 (83/151 Jesus Christ) (101=26 Prime GOD=26) (Org/ROrg 267/300)

Jesus born an Caucasian man 76/103/149/167/238/383 (Org/ROrg 242/379)

Jesus born with wool hair 104/113/122/121/157/284/283 (113/157 Mainstream) (Org/ROrg 255/312)

Jesus born with straight hair 123/150/136/201/321/354 (Org/ROrg 330/345=110/115)

Respell word with U instead of O 129/147/141/213/226/366 (Org/ROrg 330/372)

Replace U with O 66/69/123/156/195 (Org/ROrg 143/208)

Do the numbers support the theory that Jesus is a character invented to sell THE BEST SELLING BOOK OF ALL TIMES??? I don’t think the Bible would have sold as well if Jesus was a BLACK man and herein is the mockery that THEY deliberately made by scripting Jesus as a black man in the Bible.

The numbers support the notion that THEY intentionally used the SUN OF GOD to refer to the SON OF GOD which is what all Christians are doing...worshiping the SUN in the sky instead of the SON of God.

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