Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Is This Product Satanic On Purpose???


WONDER BIBLE 80/109/188 Demasculinisation (62/91/188/190 Ridiculousness, Fictitiousness) (55/80/188 Orchestrated) (64/80/188 Mystification) (55/80 Satan) (Org/ROrg 167/130 Gullability, Fraudulency, Culpability (103/167 Superartificial))

Red 18/27/27/108 Faked (27/18/72/63 Money) (27/36/99/63 Untrue) (45/54/81 Ridicule) (54/45/108 Hoodwinked) (Org/ROrg 50/31 Fraud, Phonies, Faker)

Yellow 29/43/92 Falsity (70/92/209 Artificiality) (Org/ROrg 59/103 Phonies)

Yellow On Red 58/59/148/149 Provocation (50/67/149/148 Duplicitous) (86/184/194 Orchestrations) (Org/ROrg 137/160 Entitlement, Reinventing)

Red Casing 35/80/163 Satanical (35/55/80 Satan) (44/46/80/163 Conceived) (64/80/163 Mystification) (Org/ROrg 102/141 Divinized (102/114 Mystical))

Yellow Cross on Red Casing 275/319=25/29=52/92 Authenticatable, Malassociation, Falsity (104/112 Conjurer) (113/1103/130 Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest) (113/157 Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Not Factual) (112/131 Profiteer) (Org/ROrg 228/366=114/183 Unembarrassment (141/183 Surveillance, Superscripts, Fictionizing))

Ten Number Pad 56/65/133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs (47/52/110/133 Contrived) (52/65/133 This is A Hoax, Its Not Real) (38/110/133 Marketers) (Org/ROrg 198/126 Untruthfully, Lifelikeness, Celestialize) (189/126 Sensationalistic))

Twenty Seven 71/55/125/172 Filthifying (62/73/206/172 Purposefulness) (55/71/172 Falsified) (73/80/172 Superinfluenced) (53/55/127 Misinform) (46/80/152 Truthlessness) (37/53/152 Flimflams) (55/80 Satan) (Org/ROrg 153/144 Purpose Plan)

Twenty Seventy 80/73/134/217 Fictioneering, Inconceivably (64/53/127/143 Preprogram) (53/73/143 Contrivances, Manipulative) (55/80 Satan) (Org/ROrg 158/166 Doubtfulness)

The number 207 is 27 when you drop the zero and is the number representing FAKED which is why I decoded this product. But I never would have imagined that the decodes would lead to an SATANIC product. The makers chose the right color for their product describing the BIBLE as a total fictitious book with made up characters.

Note that the RED CASING decodes to the words SATANICAL and SATAN so did they pick the right color to promote whatever agenda that they are aiming for when they made this product???
Also...the TWENTY SEVEN and TWENTY SEVENTY decodes yielded the SATAN numbers which make me think that they wanted this product to be a WONDROUS Bible.

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