Monday, April 1, 2019

Did They Intentionally Use FOUR As The Number Of Funnels Or Stacks???

Further PROOF That The Titanic Was A Fictional Ship

two two two four people 84/96/210 Precongratulating, Hyperexcitableness (Org/ROrg 224/289 Unmaterialistically)

six warnings of sea ice 94/113 Operation, Dishonest (Org/ROrg 190/323 Microclimatological)

Iceberg right ahead 94/103/130/113 Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest (Org/ROrg 202/257 Unmentionableness)

White Star Line 64/80/163/188 Mystification (64/80/136/188 Fictionistic, Orchestrated) (80/73/125 Masterminded) (89/46/80/163 Conceived) (89/64/107/163 Predevised) (Org/ROrg 167/184 Miniatureness, Ungenuineness (148/176 Skepticizing))

White Star 51/57/123/120 Conjurers (42/66/123/120 Trickster) (Org/ROrg 112/131 Profiteer, Fraudster)

Four On One 51/57/123/120 Conjurers (51/123/120 Trickster) (Org/ROrg 114/129 Scripture)

Four Stacks 43/65/133/137 Its Not Real (52/65/133 This is A Hoax) (Org/ROrg 100/170 Beguileful, Connivance, Conspiratorial)

Four Funnels 52/74/151/146 Jesus Christ (65/151/146 Improvising) (Org/ROrg160/137 Entitlement, Reinventing)

Four 24/21/48/60 Hoax (Su/RSu 360/288=180/144 Lifelessness, Nonauthentic) (Org/ROrg 53/55 Complicity)

Harland and Wolff 58/86/139/266 Enlargeableness (77/139/266 Choreographical) (Org/ROrg 226/179 Distrustfulness, Programmability, Nonphotographic, Nonderivability)

Fresh off my FOUR ONES Decodes is this decode of the Titanic and this time there’s graphical evidence that the Titanic is a Hoax and they never built the ship. There’s the number FOUR which syncs strangely with HOAX. Then there’s the FOUR FUNNELS and FOUR STACKS which should lay to rest any notions that the Titanic sank as the story goes.

The WHITE STAR LINE and HARLAND/WOLFF decodes with words such as Miniatureness, Enlargeableness and Nonphotographic are further evidence that the Titanc was a fictional ship and they never built it.

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