Friday, March 29, 2019

11:11 - A Mainstream Medias Concoction?

Watch The Three Videos First And Know Why I Decoded 11:11

Four Ones 40/50/103/113 Bull Shit (50/49/113/130 Operation, Dishonest) (58/41/113 Hypnotizes) (58/41/113/ Green Screen) (103/113 Nondiscriminatingly) (Org/ROrg 92/124 Laughter (92/142/209 Artificiality, Deceitfulness) (29/142 Shameless))

One One One One 64/80/136/188 Fictionistic, Orchestrated (Org/ROrg 132/192 Propagandize (132/219 Fear Mongering))

Eleven Eleven 54/54/90/99 Mockery (45/72/126/198 Lifelikeness, Celestialize) (148/176 Skepticizing)

41=13 Prime

Thirteen 45/45/99/117 Delusion, Hoodwink (45/45/99/90 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 126/90 Schemers (90/261 Amphitheatrical)

One Three Forty One 80/91/224/208 Selfpreservatory (Org/ROrg 218/214 Hypersuggestibly)

Eleven Four Three 80/91/179/226 Programmability (Org/ROrg 148/176 Skepticizing)

Zera Starchild 81/72/144/180 Lifelessness (18/27/27/108 Faked) (Org/ROrg 160/191 Bloodlessness)

Marie D Jones 59/67/113/184 Green Screen (67/50/103/130/113 Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest) (67/113 Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Not Factual) (Org/ROrg 129/168 Sensational)

Larry Flaxman 55/71/145/179 Namelessness (55/71/197 Manufactured) (Org/ROrg 165/159 Transformism, Fraudulently, Mythologized)

Solar Eclipse 62/73/134/190 Programmatic (Org/ROrg 113/211 Newsworthiness)

The FOUR ONES decode stands out because of the 113 103130 numbers coded into the words. So...the question is…..Is this 11:11 contrived by the medias or is it a natural phenomenon???

When you take into account that Zera Starchild is a fictional author and Marie D. Jones has the 113 Mainstream coding then it’s clear to me that this 11:11 is a Mainstream medias creation. You’ll have your own opinion on this decode.

Videos below:

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