Saturday, March 16, 2019

Louis Tomlinson Sister...A Photographic Death and Mockery???

Sacrifice Of Louis Tomlinson's Sister??

Felicite Tomlinson 79/83/151/200 Improbability (38/79/106 Hoaxster) (97/83/200 Inauthenticity, Counterfeiters) (83/106/200 Undeterminableness) (92/97/200 Indoctrinization) (97/83/133 Deliberations) (83/124 Inauthentic) (38/92/124 Laughter) (29/115 Misname) (115/209 Flimflamming) (79/83/151 Jesus Christ) (Org/ROrg 206/253 Unauthenticalness)

Louis Tomlinson 63/81/207/171 Superdubiously (81/81/207/171 Proscriptively) (72/81/180/171 Improvisation) (72/81/207 Nonauthenticity) (81/81/207 Nonintelligently) (72/81/171/180 Improvability) (27/81/81 Ritual) (81/81 Incredible) (63/81 Deceivability) (Org/ROrg 159/219=159/192 Immortalising, Propagandists, Substanceless, Counterfeiter (195/129 Spuriousness))

Distraught 64/62/127/143 Preprogram (62/64/170/127 Imposterous) (71/55/172 Filthifying) (62/55/71/172 Falsified) (62/55/127 Misinform) (46/71/127 Manufactured) (127/170 Assassinate) (46/62/143 Misdirect, Falseness) (46/62/134 Actorship) (53/55/134 Moonwalking) (Org/ROrg 135/135 Robotizing, Surrealism

Louis Tomlinson sister 90/216/243 Nonvegetativeness (90/99 Mockery) (126/144 Excrements, Shockproof) (90/126 Schemers) (Org/ROrg 227/313=227/133 Superdubiousness)

suspected heart attack 220/320=22/32 Make Up, Duped, Joke, Bemock (110/160/106 Hoaxster) (Su/RSu 1320/1920=132/192 Propagandize) (41/67/113 Mainstream, Hypnotizes) (32/122/67 Untruth) (85/131/220 Imaginability) (41/49/149/94 Nontruths) (Org/ROrg 223/317 Establismentarianism (137/223 Overmystification, Conceptualizations)

The 113 coding in the “suspected heart attack” makes me think that Felicite Tomlinson is a mainstream media creation and her name decodes verify my suspicions. The NONVEGETATIVENESS decode undeniably places her in the photo and not the human category. If she is real then it’s her character that got sacrificed and not her real persona. The mainstream media could use a photo of a girl in their deception vault and use it as the face of Felicite Tomlinson.

Details can be viewed in this video;

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