Tuesday, March 19, 2019

KING TUT BURGER Franchise Is Coming To Your City....Envision IT.

Tutankhamun….Born Into The Word Tourism

Tutankhamun 63/63/144/153 Nonhistoric (54/72/144/153 Antiquities) (63/63/144 Nonauthentic) (63/72/144 Lifelessness) (63/63/135 Preknowledge, Pamphletized) (63/72/135 Superfinanced) (63/207/144 Extortionists) (72/135 Ridicule) (27/36/72 Scam) (27/27 Faked) (63/63 Mockery, Extemporised) (63/207 Incredulousness) (63/207 Superdubiously) (27/36/63 Heckles) (27/72/63 Money) (27/63/72/144 Culpable) (Org/ROrg 144/153 Purpose Plan)

Before Christ 47/70/128/169/196 Confabulator, Crookedness, Mesmerizable, Nonbelieving (70/56/115/182 Deceivingly, Preconceive, Dramatizer) (74/115/218 Indestructibleness) (128/79 The Synagogue Of Satan) (Org/ROrg 159/165 Transformism, Fraudulently, Mythologized, Manipulators, Conjurations)

The numbers coded into “Tutankhamun” is very revealing….showing to the world that King Tut is a fabricated historical person. In other words...he is a myth with a purpose. His soul purpose is to fuel the DEBT BASED ECONOMIC MODEL for if tourism to Egypt didn’t exist then no one will be forking money to travel to the Pyramids and the bogus home of Tutankhamun.

Noteworthy is the mockery or ridicule that the perpetrators are enjoying each time someone travels to Egypt and is dazzled by its HISTORICALNESS.

B.C. in Chinese represents SNOT which is the appropriate word to describe the time period.

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