Saturday, March 2, 2019

Laura Krupinsk, Pretender Or Dead???

Former Vogue Star Found Dead???

Laura Krupinski 37/71/82/107 Pretend (64/98/181 Unrealistically) (46/109/107 Trickery) (46/71/197 Manufactured) (73/107 Ritual Sacrifice, Farcicality) (197/181 Corruptibility) (73/98 Fabrication) (91/98 Dubious) (Org/ROrg 173/205 Misinformative, Metamorphosing (173/52 Nontalented))

plane crash off the Hamptons coast 321/462=132/246=66/123 Invented, Conjurers (174/150 Perpetuators, Extemporizer, Scripturally) (123/147 Divinizing, Conspiracy (123/201 Foreshadowed) (123/228 Choreographed) (132/192 Propagandize) (Org/ROrg 353/430=335/430=67/86 Phonies, Falsifies, Misleader, Infeasibleness, Orchestrations) (67/68 Skepticizing) (68/76 Inconvincible))

Ben and Bonnie Krupinski 43/101/110/106 Hoaxster (43/101/142/128 Tricksters) (43/101/160/191 Assassination) (43/101/160 Fake Name) (43/101/160/191 Bloodlessness) (43/133 Its Not Real) (101/124/227 Superdubiousness) (101/151/227 Malassociation) (Org/ROrg 325/242=352/242=176/121 Contrivable) (112/176 Skepticizing) (121/167 Superartificial))

Ben and Bonnie 63/63/90/99 Mockery (99/99/225 Conspiratorially) (Org/ROrg 199/125 Overdescribe, Masterminded) (199/152 Truthlessness, Mythification)

William Maerov 63/81/153/198 Nonconnective (72/81/198/207 Nonauthenticity) (63/90/198/180 Superabsurdity) (63/81/153 Purpose Plan) (72/90/198/207 Questionability) (63/198 Untruthfully) (63/90/99 Mockery) (63/81/135 Ridicule) (81/63/81/189 Incredible) (Org/ROrg 133/218 Deliberations, Fictionalized)

an affair with Martha Stewart 283/392=832/932=208/233=82/233 Superinfluenced (112/158 Delusional) (112/185 Imagination, Implausibilities) (121/176 Contrivable) (149/121 Purposeful)
(Org/ROrg 320/355=64/71 Orchestrated, Overbragging, Conceptualized, Immortalized (46/71 Manufactured))

went through hell 101/196/209 Sensationalists (79/92/290 The Synagogue Of Satan) (79/128/196 Nonbelieving) (65/209 Flimflamming) (128/169 Nonsensible, Crookedness) (92/209 Artificiality) (Org/ROrg 193/212 Improvisational (139/212 Thinkableness) (139/122 False Knowledge, Melodramatised, Motiveless))

The mockery begins with Ben and Bonnie then add William have a triple mocking if you believe these people are real. The numbers reveals to me that this is a Hoax and you’ll have your own opinion…..I’m sure!!!!

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