Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Mainstream Choked A Two Year Old Girl?

Country Singer’s Two Years Old Girl Dies?

Ned LeDoux 41/58/104/139 Dastardly (41/49/139 Damn Lies) (58/104/139 Melodramatised) (41/94/193 Assassinative) (Org/ROrg 123/120 Conjurers, Collusion, Trickster (123/201 Foreshadowed))

Two Year Old 48/60 Hoax (48/51/138/132 Dishonesty) (51/48/105/138 Pretender) (51/132/138 Operations, Controller) (60/48/132/138 Preknowing) (5148/132 Woundless) (48/51/84/132 Shamming) (Org/ROrg 112/158 Delusional (112/185 Imagination, Implausibilities))

Two Year Old Daughter Haven 101/115 Bodyless (110/133 Contrived) (133/164 Intentional) (133/218 Fictionalized, Deliberations) (133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs) (101/187 Sensationalising) (151/227 Doublethinking, Unfeasibleness) (119/151 Assmanship) (Org/ROrg 286/335=286/533=22/41 Make Up, Duped, Joke, Bemock)

Haven LeDoux 50/76/131/166 Unrealistic (68/58/131/166 Programming) (50/58/166 Inventable) (50/49/166 The Big Lie) (50/76/131 Illusionable) (68/85/131 Indeterminable) (50/67/113/ Mainstream) (50/58/113 Operation, Dishonest, Debatefully) (Org/ROrg 138/159 Illusionist)

Morgan LeDoux 59/67/149/175 Controllably, Subliminally (76/95/194 Transcriptively) (67/194/157 Prepostorship) (58/59/194 Dumbfounding) (Org/ROrg 140/184 Mockingstock, Questionable (41/148 Fraudulent))

Tragic Choking 71/82/152/226 Propagandistic (226/80=113/40 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation)

The two year old girl and tragic choking are coded with the 113 number which rendered this tragedy a fictional news item. The numbers reveals that this tragedy is a hoax and is it the latest U CAN’T HAVE A SACRIFICE WITHOUT A BODY scenario? My answer is YES by the numbers.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Is QB Tom Brady A Scripted Jock?

Tom Brady Decoded

Tom Brady 46/98/118 Ignorant (46/53/118 Controlled) (46/98/118 Not Real Name) (46/53/118 Thwartman) (98/181 Corruptibility, Overpresumptive) (53/64/181 Underacting) (46/98 Talent-less) (Org/ROrg 118/98 Shunners)

Quarterback Tom Brady 118/215/163 Scriptitiously (118/152/172 Instructible, Painlessness) (89/118/215 Improvisatorize, Supersalesmanship, Impressionability) (89/118/215/271 Superenergetically) (118/125 Thwartman, Overbragging) (125/172 Filthifying) (118/152 Controlled) (Org/ROrg 240/273=80/91 Backstabbing, Hyperconfidently, Ridiculousness, Corruptibility, Conspiratorial, Exceptionableness)

Is Tom Brady a wimp as someone so knowingly echos in some of his sports decodes blogs?? I wanted to give Tom the passing grade for being an NFL quarterback but the numbers say that he’s exactly as explained by the blogger. Tom plays by the scripts handed to him each week and he does it well. The word CONTROLLED, THWARTMAN and CORRUPTIBILITY appeared in the two decodes above which is in sync with his scripted football career.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hear The Violins Playing During The SAD REPORTS Of Shaq's Sister's Death!

Shaquille O'Neal's Sister’s Death From Cancer?

Shaquille O'Neal's sister 26/73/62/154 Mockable (260/307=26/37 Lie, Unreal (62/73 Fictionize, Misdirect, Condescending, Not Real Name, Inconceivably)) (89/127 Manufactured) (89/136 Unbiographical, Counterfeit, Trickstress, Fictionistic) (89/154 Fictional) (62/91/190 Fictitiousness) (Org/ROrg 205/362=52/263 Authenticatable)

Ayesha Harrison Jex 65/97/200/259 Nonimpressionable (97/83/151/200 Improbability) (97/83/200 Inauthenticity, Counterfeiters) (83/106/200 Undeterminableness) (79/101/115 Bodyless) (83/110/133 Contrived) (97/83/133 Deliberations) (97/101/142 Shameless) (79/83/142 Characterizing) (Org/ROrg 189/270=72/189 Preconspiracy, Sensationalistic (72/198 Superabsurdity, Nonconnective, Female Actor))

Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal 89/127 Manufactured (118/89/172/233 Superimprobable) (89/154 Fictional) (107/163 Predevised) (136/107 Improviso, Portrayer) (107/163 Nonfactual) (98/172 Inconceivability) (98/181 Unrealistically) (89/118 Not Real Name) (Org/ROrg 214/353=421/353=82/71 Impersonator, Propagandistic (82/170/208 Fictionization) (17/28 Mason, Lie0 (28/71 Awlessness, Devise))

cancer three years ago 106/92/223/290 The Synagogue Of Satan (106/9283/187/191 Impersonations) (61/92/160/191 Bloodlessness) (29/61/101/115 Bodyless) (Org/ROrg 187/326=187/236=178/236=89/118=98/181 Unrealistically, Extemporizing, Corruptibility)

three years ago 69/57/123/147 Conspiracy, Divinizing (66/87/174/231 Superbelievably) (57/78/174 Scripturally) (57/78/147/204 Transformance) (57/69/147/204 Unpensionable) (57/87/174/204 Contestability) (66/87/174/204 Intentionalism) (Org/ROrg 127/224 Unmaterialistically)

Shaq---The Proud Mason has a sister impersonator by the numbers. The Synagogue Of Satan has their dastardly hands rubbing with glee knowing that they duped the public with a faked death of Shaq’s sister. The reportings were so filled with sorrow that they are loving all these negative energy being emitted by the duped public which is one of the goals of having a contrived death of a well known sport celebrity’s family member.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Skull And Bones Alumni Robs Grave???

Geronimo’s Skull....Was It Dug Out by Skull And Bones?

Harlyn Geronimo 84/87/174/204 Intentionalism, Contestability(42/48/96/147 Concocter) (42/84/96/174 Facsimiles) (42/48/96/147 Freemason) (84/78/147/204 Transformance, Unpensionable) (69/84/147 Dishonestly) (Org/ROrg 181/197 Corruptibility (118/179 Truthlessly, Not Real Name))

Skull and Bones has the Apache warrior's remains 444/636=222/318-183/222 Blameworthiness, Unembarrassment) (174/231 Superbelievably (147/231 Conceptualised) (123/147 Duplifying, Conspiracy)) (123/228 Choreographed, Prefabricates) (204/228 Surrealistically) (Org/ROrg 468/612=234/306=63/234 Superscandalously

Geronimo's Skull 80/91/188/190 Ridiculousness, Fictitiousness (Org/ROrg 174/231 Superbelievably (147/231 Conceptualised) (123/147 Duplifying, Conspiracy))

robbed the grave of Geronimo 120/150 Illuminati (123/120 Conjurers) (123/147 Duplifying, Conspiracy) (150/147 Questioning) (Org/ROrg 308/340=154/170 Deceptiously, Unproposable, Enterprising))

Six members of Yale's Skull and Bones 109/215/244 Supersalesmanship, Impressionability, Unassociativeness (Org/ROrg 351/459=117/153 Deceptious (153/171 Extemporised)

445/554=445/455=91/89/98 Dubious, Improvisatorize, Counterimagination, Scriptitiously (175/203 Misinformation) (203/202 Hyperridiculous) Overpictorialize) (139/212 Deceptibility) (220/293 Conceptualistically) (202/230=101/115 Bodyless)(Org/ROrg 410/589=410/895=82/179 Fraudulentness, Unphotographable (82/197 Distrustingly, Corruptionist, Manufactured)),28804,1988719_1988728_1988723,00.html

Would an Apache be caught dead with a name HARLYN Geronimo?? Apparently CNN reported such a person exist in their news article about Geronimo’s Missing Body Parts. Did Skull and Bones members go grave robbery and did they know which grave had Geronimo’s body parts??? The nmbers reveals that Geronimo is a bodyless person so if that’s is ture then Geronimo is a fictitious person????