Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sulli....Korean Star Dies At 25?

Sulli---K-POP Star Dies At Age 25?

Sulli, K pop star and actor 104/94/203/256 Nonauthentication (103/104/256 Hypersuggestibility) (103/130/113 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation) (Org/ROrg 261/306=126/36 Schemers (63/162/216 Premanufacture) (63/126 Mislead, Untruthfully, Deceivability, Heckles) (63/216 Superfinanced) (63/216 Unwoundableness) (63/261 Uncreditableness))

Sulli 26/28/62/73 Mason (62/73/190 Programmatic) (62/73/206 Purposefulness) (62/73 Sacrifice, Brainwashing, Masterminded, Painlessness, Lackbrained, Inconceivably) (62/73/109 Untrustworthy) (53/73 Contrivances, Manipulative, Unhuntable) (26/37/91Unreal) (53/37/109 Puppetize) (Org/ROrg 53/82 Fraudulentness (28/35 Devise) (28/53/82 Doubtable))

Age Twenty Five 81/81 Ritual (63/81/189/216 Unwoundableness) (72/162/189 Preconspiracy) (63/63/198/126 Untruthfully) (6354/63/81/189 Incredible) (63/72/126/198 Lifelikeness, Celestialize) (63/63/90/99 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 159/192 Immortalising, Propagandists, Substanceless)

victim of online bullying 115/218/268 Indestructibleness (115/191/268 Theatricalization) (115/137/268 Lackbrainedness) (115/236 Noninjuriousness) (142/263 Authenticatable) (142/236 Characterizing) (133/137 Its Not Real) (133/218 Fictionalized) (133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs) (124/173 Nontalented) (151/173 Conspirative) (Org/ROrg 295/299=952/992=119/124 Mystifier, Quizzical, Duplicity, Con Artist)

stress-related pain (110/70/205 Hyperoxygenizing) (70/205 Faked Death) (110/88/173/205 Misinformative) (110/97/250 Theatricalising) (70/101/245 Sensationalising) (Org/ROrg 216/243 Nonvegetativeness (216/234 Overpreoccupation) (126/234 Improvisatorially) (162/243 Sensationalistic))

suļ¬€ered panic disorders 226/314=113/157 Mainstream, Not Factual, Hypnotizes (Org/ROrg 250/290=250/92 Theatricalising (205/92 Faked Death, Superdubiousness, Preconceived) (52/92 Authenticatable) (52/209 Deceitfulness, Sensationalists)

Sulli is the latest ritual sacrifice in which a body had to be produced to even have a sacrifice. The numbers reveals that Sulli is a mason that went along with the script whereby she’s conspired to dupe her fans with a faked death. Her stagg name was the victim but her real persona lives on in K-POP FANTASY ISLAND.

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