Monday, October 21, 2019

THE KID...Was It A Factual Movie?

Billy THE KID....The Movie is Authentic????

Patrick Floyd Garrett 103/113/229/284 Nonphotographically, Superimprobableness (103/113 Bull Shit) (94/49/122 Scripted, Untruth) (94/140 Scriptorial) (103/140 Bloodless, Theatrics) (94/131 Unrealistic) (113/103/221 Unoriginativeness) (113/130/248 Preconceivable) (Org/ROrg 260/253=206/253 Unauthenticalness (62/235 Counterfactually, Questionableness, Conceptualistic, Falsifications)

Pat Garrett 45/63/126/144 Excrements (27/45/63/126 Mislead) (36/45/90/126 Schemers) (54/63/126 Improvise) (81/162/216 Premanufacture) (54/81/216 Unwoundableness) (72/90/216 Nonvegetativeness) (45/63/90 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 142/128 Tricksters (182/142 Unworshipful) (218/214 Hypersuggestibly)

Patrick Floyd Jarvis Garrett 83/106/191 Theatricalization (83/187/191 Impersonations) (83/187/218 Superheroically) (38/61/128 Dupable) (146/160/191 Bloodlessness) (Org/ROrg 333/342=111/114=111/ 141 Superscripts)

Billy The Kid 90/117/180/306 Inconceivabilities (72/81/180/171 Improvisation) (63/81/207/171 Superdubiously, Proscriptively) (63/54/81 Ridicule, Knockoff) (72/81/207 Nonauthenticity) (18/45/27/108 Faked) (Org/ROrg 163/134 Moonwalking (136/134 Awlessness)

I watch the movie THE KID and realized that Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid were a part of American history so I put the numbers against the historians and It was no contest. Pat’s supposed real name was decoded to be BLOODLESS which means that Pat is fictional.The 113 coding further galvanzied the theory that Pat and Billy were conceptual characters in the scripted history of the OLD WEST.

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