Sunday, October 27, 2019

Hear The Violins Playing During The SAD REPORTS Of Shaq's Sister's Death!

Shaquille O'Neal's Sister’s Death From Cancer?

Shaquille O'Neal's sister 26/73/62/154 Mockable (260/307=26/37 Lie, Unreal (62/73 Fictionize, Misdirect, Condescending, Not Real Name, Inconceivably)) (89/127 Manufactured) (89/136 Unbiographical, Counterfeit, Trickstress, Fictionistic) (89/154 Fictional) (62/91/190 Fictitiousness) (Org/ROrg 205/362=52/263 Authenticatable)

Ayesha Harrison Jex 65/97/200/259 Nonimpressionable (97/83/151/200 Improbability) (97/83/200 Inauthenticity, Counterfeiters) (83/106/200 Undeterminableness) (79/101/115 Bodyless) (83/110/133 Contrived) (97/83/133 Deliberations) (97/101/142 Shameless) (79/83/142 Characterizing) (Org/ROrg 189/270=72/189 Preconspiracy, Sensationalistic (72/198 Superabsurdity, Nonconnective, Female Actor))

Shaquille Rashaun O'Neal 89/127 Manufactured (118/89/172/233 Superimprobable) (89/154 Fictional) (107/163 Predevised) (136/107 Improviso, Portrayer) (107/163 Nonfactual) (98/172 Inconceivability) (98/181 Unrealistically) (89/118 Not Real Name) (Org/ROrg 214/353=421/353=82/71 Impersonator, Propagandistic (82/170/208 Fictionization) (17/28 Mason, Lie0 (28/71 Awlessness, Devise))

cancer three years ago 106/92/223/290 The Synagogue Of Satan (106/9283/187/191 Impersonations) (61/92/160/191 Bloodlessness) (29/61/101/115 Bodyless) (Org/ROrg 187/326=187/236=178/236=89/118=98/181 Unrealistically, Extemporizing, Corruptibility)

three years ago 69/57/123/147 Conspiracy, Divinizing (66/87/174/231 Superbelievably) (57/78/174 Scripturally) (57/78/147/204 Transformance) (57/69/147/204 Unpensionable) (57/87/174/204 Contestability) (66/87/174/204 Intentionalism) (Org/ROrg 127/224 Unmaterialistically)

Shaq---The Proud Mason has a sister impersonator by the numbers. The Synagogue Of Satan has their dastardly hands rubbing with glee knowing that they duped the public with a faked death of Shaq’s sister. The reportings were so filled with sorrow that they are loving all these negative energy being emitted by the duped public which is one of the goals of having a contrived death of a well known sport celebrity’s family member.

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