Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Fake Your Death....IT'LL WORK!!!

You’ve Just Launched A Social-Media Web Site—What Are You Going To DO Now???

Standing outside on a cold day and hoping to attract attention and awareness in Gematria won’t be my idea way to do it. I’d prefer a much more controlled method of raising awareness by going to radio stations and promoting a book on the practice of Gematria. If that fails because the radio staions are mainstream and they don’t want their secrets out of the bag then there’s your local community centres which have all sorts of interesting programs for the learnered indivduals.

There’s small minds that needs the language of Gematria...try finding software that will give you the tools to produce a children’s book about Gematria. A fictional story of a teenager who discovers this magical spell of Gematria will enlighten that age group. A novel about a Gematric MURDER’er by the NUMBERS can be authored to attract the 20-50 something crowds.

If those methods aren’t feasible then you can author a book and to get it to sell well....FAKE YOUR DEATH, assume another identity and claim that it was your alter ego that authored the book....think of the publicity. I see a short.....very short.....excessively short movie/documentary about you know what. Then there’s some miracle...yet to be item that when added to the diet will make any person.....a GEMATRIA GENIUS. Invent a magic wand that when pointed and poked and bludgeon at the potential victim makes them more passive to the ideas of Gematria.

Truly....your best option is to author a non-fictional work of fiction....something that is PUBLISHABLE by all mainstream publishers. Take your life experience about your past Gematria knowledge and produce a fictional novel. That’s the only way to get your message about Gematria to the masses. Standing and handing out materials will have limited effects but it will be a break from your incredible, extraodinary, super-spectactular, super-publishable.....awesome novel..... MY LIFE WITH GEMATRIA....A MYSTERIOUS INCURABLE BRAIN DISORDER.

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