Saturday, January 25, 2020


WuHan Coronavirus—Real Or Hoax

Wuhan Coronavirus 78/102/222 Nonexistentialism (93/78/210 Extemporization, Resurrectioning) (39/102/87 Provoke) (69/57/96/120 Shammers) (78/120/309 Superdiabolicalness) (69/57/120 Conjurers) (Org/ROrg 183/249 Fictionalization)

First case found north of Seattle 70/83/169/209 Pretendingness (61/83/169 Does Not Exist) (61/101/196/209 Sensationalists) (Su/RSu 2028/2058=114/129 Scripture, Psychological Operation) (131/166 Unrealistic, Programming, Humiliation) (166/212 Laughingstocks) (Org/ROrg 357/399=119/133=133/191 Flimflammery, Choreographs)

north of Seattle 70/83/178/200 Inauthenticity, Counterfeiters (74/70/178 MisInforming) (70/119/187 Sensationalising) (74/52/110/160 Programmed (38/61/110/106 Hoaxster) (Su/RSu 1068/1200=168/120 Unbelievability (186/102 Manuscriptural, Orchestration)) (Org/ROrg 184/194 Orchestrations (149/148 Duplicitous, Provocation) (148/194 Condescensiveness))

Three Eight confirmed cases 113/103/130 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation (113/157 Mainstream, Not Factual) (94/166/239 Premanufactured) (94/131/166 Unrealistic, Programming) (131/139 Fictitiously, Ridiculous) (94/131/220 Imaginability) (94/140/184 Questionable, Mockingstock) (Org/ROrg 276/372=138/186 Misdirection (168/183 Flatulentness))

PANDEMIC 70/83/151 Improbability, Improvising (38/61/151 Assmanship) (52/83/151 Unfeasibleness) (Su/RSu 390/906=39/96 Boondoggle, Invented, Fabricates) (Org/ROrg 104/112 Conjurer, Moonwalk (211/140 Transcriptively) (41/112 Rigged, Shammer) (104/211 Newsworthiness) (41/121 Harmless, Painless)

By the numbers..the Wuhan Coronovirus is a manufactured virus by the mainstream medias. The first case found in Seattle is a Psychological Operation to instill fear into the populace. Fear and virus sells media content made by the mainstream medias to sell advertisement as the unaware tunes in for the latest news on the PANDEMIC. Note the words NEWSWORTHINESS, BOONDOGGLE, HARMLESS and PAINLESS wich denotes a big payout in advertising dollars as the fearfuls tunes into the news networks for the latest news on the VIRUS That Never Existed in Reality but IN YOUR MIND. Lies and deceptions conjured up by the medias to dupe you into thinking that this virus will kill the masses on a biblical scale.

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