Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Flight 77's Plane Filled With CONFUSOVIRUS Disorient World's Population.

The Georgia Guidestones (GG 77) Pillars Downed the Flight 77 Plane On July 7, 2020 Thus Humanity Is At Risk.

Georgia Guidestones 92/106/200/286 Unaccomplishedness, Undeterminableness (92/97/200 Indoctrinization) (92/151/200 Improbability) (101/97/200 Noncensurableness) (110/115/268 Indestructibleness) (61/92/151 Conspirative, Unfeasibleness) (29/97/101/142 Shameless) (61/101/142 Unworshipful) (110/133 Contrived) (110/115/209 Overcapitalisation) (61/92/115 Prophesied, Deceivingly, Preconceive) (Org/ROrg 170/316=71/136 Orchestrated, Monitoring (107/163 Predevised, Conceived, Disneyland) (71/163 Scriptitiously))

five hundred million human 257/364=572/364=143/91 Falsifications, Contrivances, Manipulative (122/175 Staged Event, Deceitfully) (122/121 Ludicrous) (140/157 Scriptorial) (140/184 Questionable, Mockingstock) (131/166 Unrealistic, Programming) (131/139 Fictitiously, Ridiculous) (113/157 Mainstream, Hypnotizes) (113/184 Green Screen, Debatefully) (113/130 Operation, Dishonest, Bull Shit) (Org/ROrg 335/286=533/286=41/22 Bemock, Duped, Joke (104/220 Impossibilities) (140/220 Conceptualistically) (104/202 Propagandistically, Hyperridiculous, Impossibleness)

The key word coded into the Georgia Guidestones is UNACCOMPLISHEDNESS which has been the case ever since the pillars has been erected. After all these years the prophesy has yet to be carried out so will the YEAR of The Rat and the Coronavirus lay waste to the human population......probably not....but they keep trying.

Add the word HUMAN to the 500,000,000 and you get the infamous 113 number coded into the phrase. Note the word IMPOSSIBILITIES and IMPOSSIBLENESS which is coded into the phrase which means that the perpetrators of this GUIDESTONES will have their hand full trying to get to their goal of culling the 7 billion people on the planet Earth. Can they do it....They are going to try by printing up digital money to fuel the Debt Based Economic Model and when they are ready to pull the plug...the money supply will be drastically reduced thus the human population will have to pay hyperinflated prices for foods. If that happens then the human population will slowly starve itself out but the power of human ingenuity will triumph over their evil plan......without a doubt????

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