Saturday, May 2, 2020

Dual Cancellation Conspiracy??

Why Wimbledon and Summer Olympics?

no Wimbledon 27/45/63/126 Mislead (45/63 Mockery) (27/36/63/126 Heckles) (54/54/117/126 Improvise) (54/72/135/216 Conceitedness) (45/45/117 Hoodwink, Deceptious) (36/117/72 Tyranny) (36/45/126 Schemers) (63/207/171 Superdubiously) (126/207/171 Proscriptively, Resultlessness) (Org/ROrg 156/141 Transmuting, Militarizes, Tribulation, Hospitalism (114/156 Exploitage))

no Summer Olympics 95/202/230 Automanipulation (85/104/202/230 Semidivisiveness) (85/95/121/230 Incapacitates, Decarbonation, Parasiticidic) (86/85/203/202 Hyperridiculous) (49/77/121/203 Desiccations) (58/68/121/203 Programmable) (77/85/220 Multiprogrammed)
(Org/ROrg 179/253 Recapitalization, Nonenergetically)

One sporting event is a mockery coded into their cancellation and the other is symbolic of the psyop that is happening now and their future endeavours for the world.

What is curious about the Wimbledon decode is the 126/171 pairing which when you break them down to a two digit number you’d see 18/18 which sync with the word PLOT or 81/81 which is a RITUAL code. this context the NO WIMBLEDON is a RITUAL being plotted by the perpetrators. 

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