Thursday, May 28, 2020

Police Kneel For Attention

George Floyd Choked By Police????

knee to back of neck 78/141/183 Fictionizing (48/60/129/141 Questioned) (60/84/141/183 Surveillance) (84/78/183/141 Superscripts) (60/84/141 Hospitalism) (48/60/129/114 Scripture) (60/48/114 Exploitage) (69/84/192 Propagandists, Counterfeiter) (60/93/192 Manuscriptural)
(69/48/114/183 Choreograph, Performance) (114/111 Psychological Operation) (Org/ROrg 177/255 Premeditatedness)

The above two videos should, without a doubt, clearly indicate that the George Floyd killing by the police officer is a Psychological Operation perpetrated to instill hatred among blacks toward whites. If you are fooled by this obvious theatrical production then the numbers decoded into the words in this decode should leave you with proof of the police staging this elaborate hoax. Note the word PREMEDITATEDNESS which should put the blame solely on the police for this obvious staged production. The other words should leave the reader with no doubt that this was a hoax.

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