Thursday, May 7, 2020

Souped Up With The NARCOSSISSTIC Vaccine...Tom Cruise Can Be An Actor

Tom Cruise Films In OUTER Space???

Tom Cruise films in I.S.S. 90/126/261/252 Hypermiraculousness (99/126/207/252 Microminiaturized) (90/126/135/216 Archpretender) (90/162/216 Premanufacture, Dreamlikeness, Athletic Actor) (99/126/216 Overgeneralization) (90/126/144 Excrements) (90/153/144 Purpose Plan) (135/162 Outlaughing) (90/135/216 Superfinanced) (90/99 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 208/305=82/53 Fraudulentness, Deceivableness, Instructible, Falsifiable (35/82 Pretend) (28/53/82 Doubtable) (28/35 Devise))

Tom Cruise films in Area Fifty One 330/426=165/213=156/231 Superbelievably (141/183 Fictionizing, Superscripts) (129/141 Questioned) (120/150 Illuminati) (150/147 Dishonestly) (174/150 Perpetuators, Scripturally) (129/114 Scripture) (114/183 Performance, Choreograph) (114/156 Exploitage) (Org/ROrg 332/424=166/212 Laughingstocks (166/122 Sensationalised, Preconceptional) (166/221 Unoriginativeness))

You’d have to be a fan to believe that Scientologist Tom Cruise can lie when he says he going into space to film his latest movie. The underwelming facts is no one has been in orbit around the’s all theatre and deception. The numbers points out these fact accurately either in the I.S.S. or in Area Fifty-One. Isn’t it amazing that the decode of Tom filming in Area 51 produced words syncing with Tom’s SCRIPTED life as a Hollywood actor.

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