Friday, July 31, 2020

Herman Cain...Two Names That Mocks!

Herman (The Puppet) Cain Dead From Coronavirus?

Herman Cain 58/86/184 Engineered (50/58/184 Debatefully) (50/67/184 Mockingstock, Questionable) (50/58/148 Nonabusive, Fraudulent) (50/67/148 Duplicitous) (67/77/148 Fictionalizes) (Org/ROrg 125/145 Complicity, Puppetries (152/145 Painlessness, Reinvention) (125/154 Impersonates))

weeks after 41/67/113/157 Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Not Factual (41/49/104/112 Conjurer) (41/104/112 Moonwalk) (41/49/95/121 Painless) (Org/ROrg 106/164 Characterisation (106/164 Ridiculing) (160/164 Hypothesized, Immortalizes))

weeks after contracting COVID 61/115/209 Flimflamming (61/92/142/209 Deceitfulness) (70/119/169/209 Pretendingness) (142/155 Immortalism, Bulletproof)) (Org/ROrg 300/402=30/24 Made Up, Mocked (30/42 Fakery, Invent))

has gone to be with the lord 71/91/143/235 Falsifications (71/91/170/235 Conceptualistic) (71/91/116/235 Condescending) (71/91/188/190 Fictitiousness) (62/791/143/181 Contrivances, Manipulative) (71/109/107 Trickery) (Org/ROrg 282/321=282/123 Miscarriageable (228/123 Choreographed, Prefabricates (231/228 Transformationist))

with the lord 61/74/142/155 Immortalism, Bulletproof (74/155/214 Creditability) (Org/ROrg 164/133 Intentional (This is A Hoax))

were seen without masks 111/114 Psychological Operation (93/132/273 Characterizable) (93/195/210 Resurrectioning) (114/93/195/264 Nonsufferableness) (Org/ROrg 209/331=209/133 Pretendingness (290/133 The Synagogue Of Satan))

or social distancing 192/114=129/114 Scripture 102/141 Divinized) (129/141 Questioned) (120/114 Psychological Operation) (Org/ROrg 190/296 Nonpracticableness) (91/269 Breatheableness)

As mentioned in my previous blog regarding the Coronavirus....the virus DOES NOT EXIST. One can pondered the thought of someone dying from a virus that’s purely fictional as a scripted narrative. That’s what we have with the Herman Cain Death. The decodes bears fruits to the fact that the name Herman Cain was chosen for it’s gematric number values as it reveals that he’s a puppet and that’s orders are as followed....FAKE YOUR DEATH and be the mockinstock for the duped and dumbdowned public. All the decodes reveals that it’s a PSYOP on the American public and that Herman Cain’s character as a puppet politician is sacrificed for ritualistic reasons and that his ater ego is laughing at you for believing that the virus is real and that wearing a mask and social distancing will be the CURE-ALL....more likely THE ULTIMATE MOCKERY.

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