Thursday, July 9, 2020

White Folks R Racists...Organize Now

Amy Cooper…..Villianous Dog Choker???

White racist dog choker 113/130/103 Operation, Dishonest, Bull Shit (104/130/221 Crookfingered) (103/104 Controlled Opposition) (104/121/221 Superartificiality) (104/112/221/211 Hyperhilariously) (104/193/212 Improvisational) (104/166/212 Laughingstocks) (131/139 Fictitiously, Ridiculous) (Org/ROrg 218/322=128/223 Artificialize, The Synagogue Of Satan)

Amy Cooper 42/48/132/111 Woundless (132/111 Psychological Operation) (48/51/111/132 Amusement) (60/48/123 Duplifying) (48/69/111/159 This Is A Lie) (60/111/213 Choregraphic) (48/69/84/213 Lamebrained) (Org/ROrg 84/159 Immortalising, Nonfeasibleness)

White racist 63/90/99 Mockery (72/81/162 Regurgitative) (72/81/180 Improvisation) (27/45/81/81 Ritual) (45/72/81/135 Ridicule) (63/81/162/216 Premanufacture) (81/99/207 Conspiratorially) (Org/ROrg 124/173 Inauthentic, Nontalented (137/241 Prefabrication, Characteristic))

dog choker 50/58/86/157 Falsifies, Misleader (50/49/86/157 Chicanery) (50/67/157 Mainstream, Hypnotizes) (59/76/157 Scriptorial) (68/94/175 Supersuspicious) (50/49/95/175 Bamboozled) (50/58/175 Staged Event) (76/86/175 Misinformation) (Org/ROrg 94/149 Nontruths, Purposeful (49/149 Staged Prop) (94/194 Sensationalizing, Condescensiveness, Transcriptively))

The mainstream medias choice to use a white racist is all a ritual and a mockery. The numbers will always reveal the truth behind their choice of props to stage their news propaganda as with the choice of a DOG CHOKER and WHITE RACIST. The name AMY COOPER to me was chosen for the ultimate mockery….believing in a person that’s not real.

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