Sunday, August 26, 2018

As The Universe Giggles

Evidence Found Of Another UNIVERSE

Big Bang Theory 70/74/133/218 Fictionalized (70/65/133 This is A Hoax
Its Not Real, Intentional, Flimflammery) (47/70/110/133 Contrived) 
(38/70/92 Laughter) (Org/ROrg 180/171 Improvisation, Improvability)

UNIVERSE 49/50/103/113 Bull Shit (50/49/113/130 Operation, Dishonest
(41/58/113 Debatefully) (49/41/85 Not Real) (68/85/131 Imaginability) 
(49/50/85 Deceitful) (50/85 Fraud, Duped) (50/67/131 Fictitious) (Lying 67/68) 
(Org/ROrg 99/117 Delusion, Hoodwink)

black hole 33/48/69/174 Laughable (57/69/174 Perpetuators) 
(33/48/96 Shammers) (42/66/69 Fabricated) (42/48/69 Idiotic
(Org/ROrg 96/147 Fairylike, Facsimiles)

The theory goes that an explosion of some kind occurred at the time of the creation of the universe. The universe consist of what’s decoded and it points to a work of fiction. The universe as we know it was there from its inception….there was no big bang as it is decoded as fictitious.

I, for one, have never heard of the phrase BLACK HOLES until the Disney movie by the same title was released to theaters and now the black holes is synonymous with the universe and space in general.

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