Saturday, August 25, 2018

Crop Circles..Human Engineered Farce Or Warnings??


Crop circle 57/60/102/168 Fingermark (57/60/102 Made Up, Catchphrase
(57/60/102/87 Provoke) (57/87/201 Misadventurous) (78/102 Improbabilities
(60/102 Con Man) (60/75/168 Flatulentness) (57/69/186 Fabricates) 
(69/102/168 Unbelievability) (57/69 Perpetuators) (57/87 Manufacturable, Deliberateness, Brainlessness) (75/78 Regurgitating) (60/57/120 Shammers) 
(78/75/186 Governmentalize) (78/57 Phony, Charlatan
(69/57 Conspiracy, Dishonestly, Divinizing, Operations)
(Org/ROrg 108/162 Hoodwinked (81/162/216 Premanufacture))

Whatever happened to the crop circles that were linked to extraterrestial visitors?? I’m sure that some groups of wackos believed that these crop circles were a message from DEEP SPACE telling you that you are not alone. Unless these alien visitors have anti-gravity technology then their spaceships are going to make a mess on impact landing on the fields.

Decodes reveals that they are human engineered meaning that the perpetrators had to use a map to make their intricate designs possible. I think we are all alone and that we should do whatever is humanly possible to not spoil this planet called Earth.

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