Friday, August 10, 2018

Is It Real Or A Hoax???

Has Egypt's Second Sphinx Been Found?

Sphinx of Giza 73/71/154/170 Enterprising (37/35/82/107 Pretend) 
(82/62/170 Extemporizing) (46/53/107 Trickery) (53/46/154 Shameproof) 
(62/82/170 Improvableness, Skulldugeries(Org/ROrg 154/170 Delusiveness,
Drollishness, Trickishness, Revivability)

Sphinx 9/27/36/72 Scam (36/36/90 Mockery) (36/45/90 Schemers) 
(27/72/63 Money) (27/45/72 Culpable) (72/90/207 Characterising, 
Questionability, Incredulousness
(Org/ROrg 100/62 Falseness, Connivance, Misdirect)

Valley of the Kings (Org/ROrg 192/240=96/120=69/201 Fabricated) Decode at will

Second Sphinx 75/60/174/150 Extemporizer (60/57/150/147 Questioning,
Dishonestly) (57/69/147/150 Improvisate) (69/57/147 Divinizing
(60/66/96/174 Facsimiles, Characters) (78/57 Phony) (57/60/93 Invented
(66/60/93 Improbable) (RFB 226/2=113 Dishonest, Mainstream, Operation….) 
(Org/ROrg 165/159 Manipulators, Conjurations)

stunned construction workers (Org/ROrg 339/363=113/121=131/112 Profiteer
(113 DisInfo, Not Factual, Not True, )

I’m amazed at the accuracy of this decode. The Sphinx Of Giza is an enterprising venture...without it, where would Egypt be on tourism list???? That aside… the Sphinx and it’s second comming are manufactured pieces concocted for the purpose of making money. The last decode is STUNNING to coin a phrase...short but to the point…..the stunned construction workers are seeing dollars signs as the decode points out.

If you think that the pyramids or the sphinxes are ancient relics then you’d believe that the dinosaurs walked this Earth billions of years ago. All are manufactured aspects of history fabricated to dupe the public into sending their money on a wonderland trip of a lifetime to see how the Pharaohs and dinosaurs lived and died.

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