Monday, June 10, 2019

Mockumental Holocaust Narrative

The Accountant Of Auschwitz

Accountant Of Auschwitz 263/304=236/304=118/152 Controlled, Unhuntable (118/125 Thwartman) (29/115 Baloney, Masonic, Misname, Bodyless) (83/115/209 Overcapitalisation) (83/115 Dramatizer) (115/209 Flimflamming) (92/124 Laughter) (38/124 Con Artist) (83/124 Falsification, Inauthentic) (Org/ROrg 223/304=232/344=116/172=161/217 Nonconfinement (116/127 Misinform))

Auschwitz 40//50/103/113 Bull Shit (49/50/130/113 Operation, Dishonest) (Org/ROrg 90/153 Holy Bible, Extemporised, Deceptious (90/135 Characterising, Preknowledge, Telewriter, Puppetism, Superfinanced, Archpretender)

Looking Over Left Shoulder 288/333=96/111 This Is A Lie, Hyperridiculously, Unembarrassment, Precongratulating, Fabricative (81/117/261 Unauthoritativeness) (81/180/171 Improvisation) (126/144 Excrements) (153/144 Purpose Plan) (144/180 Lifelessness, Nonauthentic) (Org/ROrg 280/341=280/314=140/157 Scriptorial, Prepostorship (41/175 Staged Event, Bamboozled)

Seventy years after WWII 130/103/113 Operation, Dishonest, Bull Shit (121/212/301 Mischaracterization) (121/176 Contrivable) (130/194 Misleadingly) (130/167 Gullability) (139/212 Thinkableness) (139/158 Controlling, Freemasonry) (139/185 Choreography) (Org/ROrg 245/322=452/232=113/58 Debatefully, Hypnotizes, Green Screen, Not Factual (85/113 Superimprobableness))

Oskar Gröning 61/65/133/164 This is A Hoax, Intentional (61/65/133 Flimflammery, Choreographs, Contrived, Its Not Real) (61/65/160/164 Exploitation) (61/65/106/164 Ridiculing) (Org/ROrg 139/158 Controlling,Undangerous, Moneymakers, Freemasonry (158/193 Uninfluential) (139/185 Hypocritical))

300,000 Jews=Three Jews 49/50/130/103/113 Operation, Dishonest, Bull Shit) (58/50/112/131 Profiteer) (49/104/112 Moonwalk) (49/112/131 Fraudster) (49/50/94 Scripted) (Org/ROrg 109/134 Mockingly, Actorship, Imposters, Puppetize (91/143 Falsifications, Contrivances) (134/190 Programmatic))

This documentary is about the Holocaust which will further galvanize the lies that the Holocaust is a true event but if you are awake….you’ll know that it’s a falsehood. The photo decode should render this documentary a hoax and they are laughing at you if you believe that the events filmed is accurate account of true history. Note the multiple 113/103/130 codings within this decode which should make this ACCOUNTANT OF AUSCHWITZ a mockumentary with a scripted narrative.

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