Monday, June 3, 2019

The Surprising Gematria Of Germany

Why Did They Choose Germany For WWI And WWII Settings

Germany 38/34/83/106 Gestapo (34/38/83 Murder) (38/34/38 Death) (38/52/65/205 Faked Death) (34/38/52/137 Finance) (38/43/110/106 Hoaxster, Follower) (83/106 Theatricalization, Undeterminableness, Characterisation) (Org/ROrg 86/106 Bloodless, Conjure, Phonies, Fantasy, Theatrics, Superartificial (68/103 Manipulatability) (86/103/310 Disacknowledgements))

German people 64/71/127/197 Laughability, Nazification (53/64/170/127 Imposterous) (71/64/125/172 Filthifying) (62/127/197 Questionableness) (71/64/125 Overbragging) (Org/ROrg 149/175 Controllably, Journalising, Subliminally (194/175 Condescensiveness) (194/157 Prepostorship)

German Versus American 226/314=113/157 Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Not Factual, Prepostorship (71/91/152/226 Propagandistic) (71/91/215 Scriptitiously) (91/179/226 Programmability, Nonderivability, Distrustfulness) (71/118/152 Controlled) (71/127/197 Laughability) (109/134 Mockingly, Actorship, Imposters) (109/161 Bamboozler) (116/127 Misinform) (Org/ROrg 219/321 Uncontradictableness (132/219 Fear Mongering, Hyperridiculously Governmentalize) (132/192 Propagandize))

My swastika got me thinking… there a reason for choosing Germany for WWI and WWII? This decode will be an eye-opener. Note that Germany decodes to the words MURDER, and DEATH two words synonymous with WAR. The surprise words is HOAXSTER and BLOODLESS which means the two world wars were staged events.

I remembered someone talking about the American Revolutionary War and the fact that the 13 colonies were colonized by British and that the British citizens in Britain wanted no part in sending troops over to America to fight Brits. So…..the British Government had to seek outside help and they choose the German people to do their fighting for them. Interestingly when I decoded GERMAN VERSUS AMERICAN….it got the MAINSTREAM and other noteworthy words which further renders the Revolutionary Wars a complete work of fiction.

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