Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Stockholm Syndrome..Real Or Contrived?

Stockholm...The Movie...Facts Or Fiction???

The Bank Drama 98/226 Distrustfulness, Propagandistic, Nonderivability (49/113 Operation, Dishonest, DisInfo, Bull Shit (Org/ROrg 167/157 Conspirators (176/175 Conspiratress)

Stockholm Syndrome 85/113/229 Superimprobableness (103/130/113 Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest) (67/113 Mainstream, Not True) (Org/ROrg 200/259=200/295=40/59 Delusional)

Stockholm Sweden 78/75/186/219 Governmentalize (78//84/186 Preacknowledgment) (96/93/219 Hyperridiculously) (69/93/168 Unbelievability) (Org/ROrg 166/239 Sensationalised, Preconceptional)

Sveriges Kreditbank 71/82/125/152/199 Overbragging, Masterminded, Truthlessness (28/71/82/161 Doubtable) (82/71/181/170 Extemporizing) (Org/ROrg 231/255=123/255 Premeditatedness)

Jan-Erik Olsson 72/81/162/189 Preconspiracy (63/81/162/216 Premanufacture) (72/81/216/162 Noninjuriously) (63/90/99 Mockery) (27/36/54/108 Acting) (Org/ROrg 148/203 Disacknowledgements, Impersonization)

Kristin Ehnmark 71/91/170/208 Improvableness, Skulldugeries, Dramatizations (80/91/170/208 Fictionization) (71/91/170/208 Conspiratorial, Sensationalism) (Org/ROrg 200/178 Inauthenticity, Counterfeiters)

violent stranger’s arrival (146/151 Jesus Christ, Improvising) (119/151 Dupability, Impossible) (101/187 Sensationalising) (187/137 Preposterous) (Org/ROrg 298/323=298/332=149/166 Sensationalised)

sounds of rock music 90/108/234/225 Improvisatorially (90/99 Mockery) (72/99/180/252 Semitheatrically, Disembarrassment) (Org/ROrg 171/288=57/96 Freemason, Skeptical, Unembarrassment)

seaside kraftskiva 90/108/279 Overintellectualize (72/99/279 Identifiableness) (90/99 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 175/284 Superimprobableness)

Prime Minister, Olof Palme 119/133/218 Deliberations (119/196 Sensationalists) (133/164 Intentional) (142/236 Characterizing) (142/263 Authenticatable) (Org/ROrg 281/313=133/218 Fictionalized)

after four on Thursday afternoon 363/393=121/131=112/131 Hilarious, Fraudster (113/211 Semianimated, Superimprobableness) (159/138 Illusionist) (150/147 Questioning) (Org/ROrg 386/370=193/185 Quizzification (158/193 Uninfluential)

Clark Olofsson 70/74/160/191 Bloodlessness, Impersonating (52/74/160 Fake Name) (61/74/106 Ridiculing) (106/191 Theatricalization) (Org/ROrg 132/219 Phototherapeutics (132/192 Propagandize))

blue Mustang 54/63/135/162 Outlaughing (54/72/135/216 Conceitedness) (45/63/81/135 Ridicule) (27/36/63/126 Heckles) (36/63 Mockery) (Org/ROrg 134/163 Moonwalking (134/136 Awlessness)

Sweden’s most dangerous man 288/333=96/111 Choregraphic, This Is A Lie, Surrealistically (90/99 Mockery) (99/90/180/171 Improvisation) (90/117/153 Deceptious) (90/108/216 Unimaginable) (Org/ROrg 262/359=524/1312=131/328=113/238 Sensationalizing, Unoriginativeness, Imaginativeness)

The Bank Drama decodes to the infamous 113 and Stockholm Syndrome decodes to the 113 – Mainstream and the rest of the decodes are either sensationalized and with multiple words decoding to a MOCKERY….it’s undeniable to me that this BANK DRAMA is a complete fictitious and contrived narrative in which the bank robbers were infatuated by their hostages.

The movie...STOCKHOLM is based on the New Yorker reported true account of the Bank Robbing heist that is very entertaining and well acted. The story is to ridiculous to be taken at face value but it did give the public a new/old catchphrase STOCKHOLM SYNDROME.


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