Saturday, April 25, 2020

Believe In My Information While We Monitor Your Actions

Dr. Rashid Buttar....Scripted Mainstream Stooge

Rashid Buttar 51/84/141/183 Surveillance (60/84/114/183 Performance) (84/183/141 Superscripts) (141/183 Fictionizing) (48/114/183 Choreograph) (114/183/390 Mainstream Media Operation) (48/60/114 Scripture) (114/93 Controllableness) (Org/ROrg 167/184 Ungenuineness (148/176 Skepticizing))

Infodemic 51/66/105/165 Preplanned, Directorial (51/66/132/165 Orchestrate) (66/78/165 Orchestration, Transformism, Nefariousness) (51/66/165 Fraudulently) (Org/ROrg 111/132 Thwarters, Psychological Operation, Amusement (111/123 Fear propaganda))

Dr. Rashid Buttar or what ever he calls himself is a fictional person created by the mainstream medias for the purpose of gathering intelligence on the truthing community. He is controlled opposition which means that he gets his marching orders from his puppet masters. He’s online to surveil the populace so be warned.

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