Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Players Are Souped Up With The ARROGANTEUS Vaccine

New World Order Inspired Hockey League

Out of the disabilitating effects of the Coronavirus Pandemic of 2020 and the pressuring need to shoot a rubberized disk into a net comes the National Wockey League. This new brand of hockey integrates the sport of hockey and the avoid-a-person concept that everybody loves and are obedient to. There’s the hockey rink size which remains the same size and the rules are the same.

The C.D.C. has identified a new self-replicating virus that attaches to the host’s brain making them passive and without memory. This seriously contagious pathogen can spread and cause zombie like symptoms without the Hollywood horror side-effects. Nicknamed the ERASEAVIRUS...this virus render a person unable to walk, talk and chew gum at the same time. It more lethal than fluoride because this pathogen works instantaneously.

To combat this virus and promote a zombie free game of Hockey...the league join forces with the P.I.P.’s and form a task force division code-named Z.I.T.. (Zombie Initiative Team) The Z.I.T’s goal is to manufacture a feasible game of entertaining Hockey working within the confines of the virus symptoms. They designed a full body suit that is air conditioned powered wirelessly by the power supplied by scoreboard. The high tech hockey uniform eliminates the social distance that is required and allows the players to play unimpeded....what will they think of next!

WOW....I could have had a V8...but the Z.I.T.’s with influences from the P.I.P.’s saved the game of hockey.

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