Thursday, April 2, 2020

Biblical Prophesy Propelled By JESUS....He's Coming...Get Your ANTICIPATION Vaccine!!


Event Two Zero One 75/87/183/222 Nightmarishness (66/87/183/222 Blameworthiness) (75/87/222 Perceivability, Suggestionable) (66/96/183/222 Unembarrassment) (84/96/183 Fictionalization) (57/78/183 Superscripts) (78/102/222 Nonexistentialism, Demonstrativeness) (Org/ROrg 182/223 Uninnocuousness, Overdramatizing (128/223 Artificialize))

Event Two Hundred One 38/88/92/232 Cabalistical (88/110/254 Totalitarianizing) (88/137/223/317 Establismentarianism) (79/101/160/245 Increditability) (88/101/245 Sensationalising) (92/97/200/232 Indoctrinization) (83/79/146/232 Depersonalised) (88/101/223 Conceptualizations) (88/83/223/182 Uninnocuousness, Overdramatizing) (83/88/128/223 Artificialize) (Org/ROrg 265/221 Superartificiality (265/122 Condescensiveness) (256/122 Nonauthentication))

Event Two O One 61/74/151/173 Conspirative, Compromising (74/88/173 Condescendingness) (47/52/137/79 Puppetry) (52/79/137 Laughing) (56/52/106 Hoaxster) (52/47/137 Government) (47/61/137/160 Entitlement) (Org/ROrg 141/183 Superscripts, Fictionizing, Surveillance) (114/183 Choreograph, Performance, Psychological Operation) (114/138 Mainstream Media Operation))

The event named EVENT 201 is an event staged by the mainstream medias but scripted by the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. I...for one... likes the idea of A ONE WORLD in a foreign country you have a devalued dollar that’s worth less that the MIGHTY US dollar. With the ONE WORLD CURRENCY....there’s no’s ONE CURRENCY for ALL.

They don’t have the resources to cause a REAL PANDEMIC so what is the next alternative A PSYOP hosted by the mainstream medias. Looking at all the people walking and enjoying the fresh air...I’d say their operation is working. You can’t order people to say indoors for X amount of days and expect them to comply. The social distancing is designed to make cash dirty so why not go hands touch that virus infected cash.....I think it working to perfection.....THUMB UP NWO.

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