Omicron Is An Anagram For Moronic
Omicron 24/39/102 Made Up, Farce (78/120/204/309 Superdiabolicalness) (39/87/120 Spellbound, Unshameful) (42/93/120 Shammers) (78/102/204/201 Hypnotisability) (87/93/96/201 Disbelieved) (FB 113/131/112 Intuition, Institutionalizing) (Org/ROrg 77/112 Revered, Shammer, Debilitating, Implausibilities, Unargumentativeness (77/112/131 Profiteer, Fraudster, Foretellable) (77/121 Contrivable, Programmable) (77/211 Newsworthiness) (113/211 Hyperhilariously))
Omicron variant 82/89/172/206 Hyperinflation, Fluoridisation, Buffoonishness, Purposefulness, Instructionary (89/109/206 Contradictoriness, Suspicionable) (62/91/190 Ridiculousness, Fictitiousness, Superambitious, Programmatic) (26/73/62 Mockable) (Org/ROrg 174/204 Intentionalism, Superdiabolicalness , Contestability, Foundationless (147/204 Superartificially) (42/147 Concocter, Skeptical) (42/174 Facsimiles) (114/147 Mainstream Media Operation)
Omicron Is An Anagram For Moronic 113/131/166 Laughterful, Programming, Humiliation, Preconceptional, Premanufactured, Laughingstocks (Org/ROrg 312/444=156/222 Perceivability, Suggestionable, Nonexistentialism (78/111 Corrupt, Amusement, This Is A Lie, Fabricational, Discreditable))
Omicron Is Moronic 95/202/230 Automanipulation (94/202/230 Supranationalism) (95/94/203/202 Hyperridiculous) (32/94/95 Forgery) (32/49/95 Mindless) (32/49/103 Masterly) (22/32/95 Make Up) (13/32/59 Taunt) (Org/ROrg 169/263=98/118 Scaremonger (98/181 Unrealistically, Contrivance, Manipulative))
The word OMICRON is a scrambled version of the word MORONIC and thus you’re a MORON to believe that this COVID Variant is real. The numbers show that the word was used to mock the sheeple’s indoctrination and brainwashing by the mainstream medias. The perpetrators of this variant is laughing at the believers of this MORONIC Variant. If they can get way with conning the public with this scam then the sky’s the limit to what they have planned in the future.
I believe we are very close to a total economic meltdown so buy all the durable foods that you can buy with the dollars that will be inflated into oblivion. If they have no other scams left to fool the public with then that’s a sure warning that the end of the dollar is near.