Monday, November 15, 2021

Does 38/83 Really Relates To Death?

How Does 38 And 83 Materializes Into Hoaxes?

Three Eight 60/48/120 Hoax (60/66/105/165 Preplanned, Directorial) (60/66/105 Mockingbird, Pretender) (60/111/105 Monetary (Su/RSu 630/990=36/99 Mockery) (FB 157/113 Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Not Factual) (Org/ROrg 131/139 Fictitiously, Ridiculous, Motiveless (131/193 Illusionable)

Thirty Eight 68/67/149/148 Duplicitous, Provocation (67/86/184/194 Orchestrations) (FB 201 The Jesuit Order) (Org/ROrg 162/135 Preassembly, Outlaughing (135/216 Archpretender))

Eighty Three 50/67/113/130 Operation, Dishonest, Bull Shit (67/59/130/167 Fraudulency) (59/76/167 Conspirators) (77/103/167 Superartificial) (Su/RSu 780/1002=87/120 Transformationist (87/210 Uproariousness)) (Org/ROrg 143/154 Ritual Sacrifice, Disbelievingly (134/145 Suspicionable))

The numerical breakdown of 38=8+8+8=24 and 83=3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3=24. The reflection of 24=42 and that’s the number associated with Black shamming rituals. other words the number 42 and 38 parallels each other in that there’s always alleged death and they are perpetrated on Blacks entertainers.

Now if you look closely at the decodes above...The rituals are sacrifices but they are manufactured hoaxes and if people are wondering if anyone died...the answer is NO...all faked. It’s also interesting that in Francis Bacon...the number 157 paired with number 113 which is associated with MAINSTREAM...which is the main contributor in connection with the hoaxes. Without Mainstream Magic and Deceptive Practices....these Rituals would be harder to manufacture and thus come to into existence. The number 111 is associated with the number 666 and it represent a huge payout in money as DEATH SELLS. Why kill anyone media star when MAINSTREAM does the killing and reporting and THEY can make BELIEVABLE.

Recall the number FOUR when decoded relates to a HOAX and isn’t it interesting that the number THREE EIGHT has the same 60/48 number pairing.

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