Anagram 28/44/55/134 (55/44//134 Mockingly) (55/134 Monitoring, Surveiling, Tyrannized) (28/44/82/134 Boob Tube) (55/71 Not Real Word) (Org/ROrg 71/118 Controlled, Truthlessly, Scaremonger, Confident Man (71/181 Contrivances/Manipulative, Intentionally))
I watched the movie ROSEMARY’S BABY and there’s a scene where Rosemary used scrabble tile to piece together an anagram of a name. I thought....and wondered if the word ANAGRAM had any substance. To my surprise...the number 55 came up and we all know that’s SATAN number and what was the movie about...SATAN.
Of more importance is the decode above in which the words MONITORING, SURVEILING and TYRANNIZED appeared. Recall my blog where I broke down the word GEMATRIA and got the words A RIG TEAM. The word GEMATRIA seems innocent but when this decode shows undeniably that the word is being used a tool to watch over you...the truthers. The movie points out the same motive but with a fictional person.
There’s no doubt that the word GEMATRIA was created as a means for truthers to say THEIR MOCKINGLY Anagrammatic word and thus truthers should stay clear of using that word in their decodes
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