Friday, November 26, 2021

Upgrade Needed For A More Powerful N.E.W.T. Calculator

Glossy Screen Vs Non Glossy Screen

GLOSSY SCREEN 53/64/161/163 (46/53/109/161 Bamboozler) (Org/ROrg 115/209 Flimflamming)

EYE PROBLEM 53/46/116/154 (Org/ROrg 128.142=218/241 Unblameworthiness)

TINTED GLASSES 46/80/154/116/197 (53/55/116/181 Bamboozling) (Org/ROrg 149/202 Inexhaustible)

NON GLOSSY SCREEN 69/75/204/201 ( 78/120/204/309 Superdiabolicalness) (Org/ROrg 169/236=236/196 Noninjuriousness)

I’m using a Toshiba Laptop and it has a NON GLOSSY SCREEN unlike all MAC’s that have GLOSSY SCREEN. I knew that the non glossy screens were healthier than the glossy screen and the numbers proves me to be correct. I have always hated glossy screens computers and now I know why.

You think that THEY are angelic about the difference between a glossy and non glossy screen then you’re BAMBOOZLED. A reminder that the health of you and I are what drives them to create all sorts of devious devices such as TINTED GLASSES to make even more unhealthier. One health expert told me that the eyes need the full spectrum of light entering each and every day so if you’re wearing tinted glasses...what do you think is going to happen???

I encourage truthers to buy a NON GLOSSY or MATTE screen laptop or monitor and throw away those GIMMICKY tinted glasses in which you look dumb wearing. THEY and I are laughing at you!!! The non glossy screen will help you out immensely and if you get a PC laptop you can load up the GEMATRINATOR software and compare that software with the GEMATRIA EFFECT calculator. If the owner of the GEMATRIA EFFECT calculator could upgrade it to MIMIC the GEMATRINATOR software and omit the CHALDEAN and SEPTENARY ciphers and add the ORGANIC/REVERSE ORGANIC , the truther will have a powerful calculator going forward. I and other truthers will pay the owner the additional cost of the upgrade. If he is wiling to upgrade then have truthers pay the $5-$10 cost to download the NEWER...RENAMED calculator...It will be receive with positive results. A really great idea for the renamed calculator would be the N.E.W.T. Calculator which is short for NUMBERS EQUAL WORDS TRUTH Calculator. Think of the fun...I done my decoding on the NEWT. or something catchy and free truthers from THEIR WORD.

THEIR WORD 57/51/120/123 (51/57/123/120 Conjurers) (51/57/123 Conspiracy) (Org/ROrg 132/111 Psychological Operation, Amusement (111/213 Choregraphic) (231/111 Superbelievably))


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