Saturday, March 7, 2020

Can They Project A Beam Of Energy Into The Atmosphere?

H.A.A.R.P. An Instrument Of Weather Warfare???

H.A.A.R.P. 46/44/91 Deception (46/44/109 Mockingly) (26/37/91Unreal) (37/44/91 Bamboozle, Dubious) (62/91 Falsifications) (91/208 Conspiratorial, Sensationalism) (62/91/190 Ridiculousness) (37/62/91 Dribblets) (26/19 Lie) (19/26/64 Bogus) (44/46 Deceiver, Conceived, Laughings) (64/62 Reinvention) (62/64 Condescending) (62/73/190 Programmatic) (73//190 Nonpracticableness) (46/62/73 Sacrifice) (37/44/82 Concocted) (82/260 Contradistinctions) (Org/ROrg 67/68 Lying, Mainstream, Skepticizing, Mockingstock (67/86 Misdirecting, Preconceivable, Orchestrations, Prepostorship) (68/76 Unrealistic, Illusionable, Scriptorial) (86/76 Tricky))

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program 52/92/142/263 Authenticatable (128/223 Artificialize) (223/290 The Synagogue Of Satan) (223/263 Conceptualizations) (182/223 Overdramatizing) (227/232 Overdescriptively) (92/232 Cabalistical) (142/209 Deceitfulness, Artificiality) (142/128 Tricksters) (457/650=475/605=95/121 Superartificiality (95/211 Newsworthiness, Transcriptively) (Org/ROrg 461/646=614/466=307/233=73/233 Superimprobable, Artificialness)

It’s unusual to find 2 prime numbers that are an exact pairing yet it is found in the decode of High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The prime numbers for 223/281 are 48/60 which represents the word HOAX. It is a monumental hoax by the numbers and common sense wise.

All the structures are either a large dome or an array of wires that’s suppose to represent a large energy source that can be projected into the atmosphere causing a disruption in the weather. In the small disruption in the video transmission is not indicative of an earthquake. It’s a mainstream media camera trick and only the indoctrinated will fall for this deception.

Yet...if you think about it....can they really project a beam of energy into the atmosphere...take the Star Trek or Star Wars movies as an example. Take a good look around your environment and you’ll see wires that transmit electricity through your home and businesses. The electricity that come from the generating stations are transmitting electrical energy through a wire thus if they want electricity hundreds or thousands of miles into the atmosphere the perpetrators of weather warfare would have to install a network of wires hundreds or thousands of miles up high to get the electricity to the upper atmosphere to really effect the weather. Also....if they manage to build such a wired structure...the amount of energy needed to effect the weather would be astronomical.

Believe or think what you want but the numbers are telling you the truth....H.A.A.R.P. is a BIG BOGUS LIE. The weather is all manipulated by the mainstream media and the video points that out clearly.

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