Friday, March 27, 2020

There's Bats In Your Bellfry If You Think The COVID-19 Virus Is Real

Why They Used A BAT As Their COVID-19 Propaganda

Bat 23/22/50/85 Duped (22/23/85 Fake) (Org/ROrg 46/35 Gullible (35/64 Satanical, Devise))

The word BAT broken down to a single digit gives the following numbers B=2 A=1 T=2 and in reverse reduction gives B=7 A=8 T=7.

BAT in reduced reduction renders the numbers 787 which equals the 135th prime and 877 which equals 151st prime which equals the 36th prime.

Sum 1-36 = 666
135 and 36 is a 9-9 pairing which is a MOCKERY and a RIDICULE

Reduced to a single digit a=1/8 b=2/7 g=7/2 h=8/1 k=2/7 j=1/8 p=7/2 q=8/1 s=1/8 t=2/7 y=7/2 z=8/1

Words Made from combining the above letters are Bat, Bag, Gag, Gap, Gas, Gay Hag, Hap, Hat, Jab, Jay, Jap, Sat, Sap, Sat, Say, Tab, Tag, Tap......

Gag 21/15 Hoax (66/51/120/150 Connivancy) (66/150/120 Illuminati, Victimized, Nonrealism) (Org/ROrg 51/66 Propaganda, Unneedfulness (66/105 Directorial))

The one word GAG syncs with the numbers which syncs with MOCKERY and RIDICULE

Their choice of a BAT that transmitted the COVID-19 virus didn’t make sense to me. How does bats that are know VEGANS from the forest or wilderness come in contact with the pig and from the pig spread the virus??? These breakdowns and decodes gives you the reasons behind this gigantic hoax.

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