To Gematria....Earth Is NOT FLAT
25/52/38/83 Not Flat (25/38/83
(Org/ROrg 67/68
Earth 60/48/69/120 Circles (84/69/201
Elliptic Orbit)
(Org/ROrg 158/139
I thought about the
Flat Earth psyop and I never thought to decode Earth as it is
physically as I have come to know it as....NOT FLAT. As you can see
the decodes is undeniable and is accurate. The Earth is round as a
marble and Flat Earthers have no intellects to dismiss this decodes.
The fact that PLANET
EARTH decoded the words ELLIPTIC ORBIT means that there are four
seasons....How is that possible on a Flat Earth??? There are many
more words that sync with the 7-11 and 6-12 numerological pairing
that you can discover yourself.
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