Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Planes Were CGI...You Must Believe

102 Minutes That DUPED America

One Hour Forty Two minutes 339/255=113/85/58 Mainstream, Green Screen, Operation, Dishonest, Hypnotizes, Superimprobableness, Conceptualistically) (123/147 Conspiracy, Duplifying) (129/114 Scripture) (114/183 Choreograph) (114/111/255 Superartificially) (132/111 Woundless) (111/213 Choregraphic) (123/120 Conjurers, Trickster) (138/132 Dishonesty) (Org/ROrg 280/314=82/134 Programmatic (82/143 Contrivances, Manipulative))

60 Minutes 42 Minutes=6042=642/2=321=123=One Two Three 58/50/184/113 Green Screen, Debatefully, Superimprobableness) (50/113 Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest) (Org/ROrg 136/161 Counterfeit, Trickstress

321+123=444=Four Four Four 36/36/72 Tyranny (45/63 Mockery) (63/81/207/144 Extortionists) (72/63/180/144 Exploitatory, Nonhostility) (72/81/180 Improvisation) (Org/ROrg 159/165 Transformism, Fraudulently, Manipulators, Conjurations)

Planeless Reporting 90/99 Mockery (81/180/225 Distractibility) (90/81/180/171 Improvisation) (90/99/171 Corporification) (Org/ROrg 240/246 Superexceptionally, Nonimpressionistic (120/123 Conjurers, Collusion, Trickster)

One Zero Two Minutes That Changed America 173/178 Remote Control (173/286 Condescendingness) (137/214 Collaboration) (187/137 Preposterous) (137/241 Prefabrication) (137/223/317 Establismentarianism) (164/268 Preacknowledging) (146/178 MisInforming) (146/232 Depersonalised) (Org/ROrg 393/552=131/184=113/184 Green Screen, Debatefully)

This decode should open some eyes to who was responsible for 9/11 Note the words GREEN SCREEN which is coded into 123 and the other two decodes. This GREEN SCREEN coding highlights the mainstream medias culpabilities in the 9/11 events in which two alleged planes crashed into the twin towers thus weakening it’s structural integrates and ultimately reduced the building into rubbles. The words REMOTE CONTROL is the right words to describe the controlled demolition of the twin tower by operators triggering the explosives imbedded into the building's structural skeleton thus collapsing the twin towers on cue and in their timeframe as a ritual of a sort.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Is OJ Simpson A Mainstream Script?

O.J. Simpson Decoded

The Juice 36/45/90 Mockery (45/54/81/135 Ridicule, Knockoff) (54/81/135 Athletic Actor) (36/45/81/81 Stooge) (54/63/135 Telewriter) (81/81/135 Characterizer) (72/81 Noninjuriously) (81/81/207 Nonintelligently, Proscriptively) (Org/ROrg 86/130 Misdirecting, Preconceivable (68/130 Gullability) (86/103 Conjure, Juiceless, Phonies, Unoriginativeness) (68/103 Theatrics))

OJ Simpson 50/49/113/130/103 Operation, Dishonest, Bull Shit (50/85/113 Mainstream) (58/59/130 Dumbfounding) (49130 Gullability) (50/58/113 Debatefully) (85/113 Superimprobableness) (Org/ROrg 105/138 Pretender, Quibblers (105/183 Mischaracterizing)

Orenthal James Simpson (39/93/123 Invented) (111/159 This Is A Lie) (93/132 Characterizable) (93/168 Unbelievability) (84/114 Characterised) (93/114 Exploitage) (93/141 Superscripts) (Org/ROrg 238/302 Overintellectualized (230/283 Nonadvantageousness))

I was drinking a fruit drink when I thought of OJ Simpson and his nickname THE JUICE and wondered if there were anything racist in the naming. The decodes are as revealed above and OJ is a manufactured person with an unreal name. Even though there is nothing racist in his name....he is ridiculed and mocked as he is presented in the mainstream medias. OJ is scripted to suit the mainstream medias storylines regarding his personal life. THE JUICE is a creation from his birth....who knows what his real name is and would you care??? He is a willing stooge doing his shameless deeds for the all mighty dollars which is his primary goal in athletic actor who is black and ready to be shamed.

Think of all those hours spent on the TV reporting what amount to be a hoax but the public was unaware and the networks were making millions in advertising and viewership. Thankfully OJ is old news and if they find a new narrative that is profitable...they will use whatever asset they deemed will give them the news headlines.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

A Scripted Person With A False Name

Nick Fuentes....A Nobody Without His Scriptwriters

Nick Fuentes 62/64/170/127 Imposterous (55/62/127/143 Talent-less, Misinform, Preprogram) (55/71/127 Manufactured) (55/71/170 Deceptiously, Impersonates) (71/55/172 Filthifying) (62/64/172 Prejudgments) (62/55/107 Predevised, Improviso, Portrayer) (63/90/98/207 Incredulousness) (Org/ROrg 140/157 Scriptorial (140/175 Supersuspicious) (104/175 Staged Event))

Nicholas J Fuentes 46/71/118/152 Controlled (46/89/118 Not Real Name) (82/89/181/170 Extemporizing, Intentionally) (89/73/143/181 Contrivances, Manipulative) (118/215 Scriptitiously) (89/82/152 Instructible) (89/118/125 Thwartman) (53/37/134/109 Puppetize) (28/89/143 Talent-less) (89/64/125 Overbragging, Filthifying) (Org/ROrg 189/243 Sensationalistic (234/198 Unscrutinisingly) (189/234 Overintellectualize))

Nick Fuentes is a controlled person used to mock the truthseekers as explained in the video. The numbers verifies the blogger’s suspicions that Nick is a person being fed a script and he carries out the task of making the truthseekers as homofobes and racist and so on. Will Nick’s explolts further censor the real truthseekers that are revealing the truth in which they don’t like. They wiuld rather the truthseekers go away and they will continue their lies and deceptions. The truthseekers strength is in in numbers of people wiling and knowinly use the language of Gematria to expose their shills as in one.....Nick Fuentes. An Obvious Shill By The Numbers.

Monday, November 25, 2019

12 Strong Fights On Horseback With Unlimited Ammo...That's The American Way!!

12 Strong...America’s Answer To The 9/11 Aftermath

Twelve Strong 54/63/144/180 Nonauthentic (54/63/90/99 Mockery) (72/99/180 Semitheatrically) (63/90/180 Superabsurdity, Supermentality) (54/63/90/180 Farcialize, Disbeliefs, Shadowable) (72/90/144 Amphitheatrical) (81/99/207 Conspiratorially) (72/81/207 Nonauthenticity) (72/81/180 Improvability) (Org/ROrg 156/168 Fictitiously (165/186 Orchestration, Nefariousness)

The Only Way Home Is Winning 107/73/134/217 Fictioneering, Inconceivably (73/127/143 Preprogram) (37/134/109 Puppetize) (107/136/134 Awlessness) (73/125/172 Nonsensical) (71/125/172 Filthifying) (Org/ROrg 289/332=298/332=149/166 Sensationalised (194/166 Condescensiveness))

Task Force Dagger 68/85/140 Scriptorial (58/68/103/140 Theatrics) (68/85/140 Mockingstock) (68/94/265 Condescensiveness) (103/104/256 Hypersuggestibility) (77/94/256 Nonauthentication) (85/68/121/176 Contrivable, Programmable) (Org/ROrg 156/249=52/83 Dupers, Unfeasibleness)

Horse Soldier Statue 109/89/172/233 Superimprobable, Superinfluenced (80/109/253 Recapitalization, Dishonorableness, Deceivableness) (80/109/181/170 Extemporizing) (Org/ROrg 196/290 The Synagogue Of Satan (196/209 Sensationalists) (169/209 Pretendingness))

Filmed In New Mexico 93/105/183/276 Mischaracterizing (87/93/195/183 Restorationism) (87/93/114/183 Choreograph, Performance) (93/78/183/141 Superscripts) (78/93/105/138 Pretender) (Org/ROrg 210/249=70/83 Inauthenticity, Counterfeiters, Impersonations

Four Capped Eight Capless 103/130/113 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation (103/113/229 Superimprobableness, Overaggressiveness, Nonphotographically) (121/203 Programmable) (104/121/176 Contrivable) (113/211/194 Transcriptively) (113/121/221 Superartificiality) (Org/ROrg 253/341=143/235 Falsifications)

The heroic story of 12 American soldiers who witness 9/11 and then they had to go to Afghanistan to stop the further aggression of Al Qeada by teaming up with the local militas and on horseback save America’s pride. The story is far-fetched and not credible to me. The action scenes were overthetop and equally unbelievable. 12 Strong soldiers went to kick butt and 12 came home....the odds were against them but because it’s a Hollywood script they returned home heros with a statue in their honour on display on the World Trade Centre for all to gasp at.

The picture decode reveals that this narrative is a complete farce and fictional. What are the odds that the four/eight soldiers would decode to the infamous 113 number and the number 48 which equals a HOAX and was perpetrated by the Synagogue Of Satan and the Cabal. Any one watching this movie thinking this is an authentic and a real life story should be asleep and needs to wake up.