Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Is OJ Simpson A Mainstream Script?

O.J. Simpson Decoded

The Juice 36/45/90 Mockery (45/54/81/135 Ridicule, Knockoff) (54/81/135 Athletic Actor) (36/45/81/81 Stooge) (54/63/135 Telewriter) (81/81/135 Characterizer) (72/81 Noninjuriously) (81/81/207 Nonintelligently, Proscriptively) (Org/ROrg 86/130 Misdirecting, Preconceivable (68/130 Gullability) (86/103 Conjure, Juiceless, Phonies, Unoriginativeness) (68/103 Theatrics))

OJ Simpson 50/49/113/130/103 Operation, Dishonest, Bull Shit (50/85/113 Mainstream) (58/59/130 Dumbfounding) (49130 Gullability) (50/58/113 Debatefully) (85/113 Superimprobableness) (Org/ROrg 105/138 Pretender, Quibblers (105/183 Mischaracterizing)

Orenthal James Simpson (39/93/123 Invented) (111/159 This Is A Lie) (93/132 Characterizable) (93/168 Unbelievability) (84/114 Characterised) (93/114 Exploitage) (93/141 Superscripts) (Org/ROrg 238/302 Overintellectualized (230/283 Nonadvantageousness))

I was drinking a fruit drink when I thought of OJ Simpson and his nickname THE JUICE and wondered if there were anything racist in the naming. The decodes are as revealed above and OJ is a manufactured person with an unreal name. Even though there is nothing racist in his name....he is ridiculed and mocked as he is presented in the mainstream medias. OJ is scripted to suit the mainstream medias storylines regarding his personal life. THE JUICE is a creation from his birth....who knows what his real name is and would you care??? He is a willing stooge doing his shameless deeds for the all mighty dollars which is his primary goal in athletic actor who is black and ready to be shamed.

Think of all those hours spent on the TV reporting what amount to be a hoax but the public was unaware and the networks were making millions in advertising and viewership. Thankfully OJ is old news and if they find a new narrative that is profitable...they will use whatever asset they deemed will give them the news headlines.

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