Monday, November 18, 2019

WIKILEAKS....Pysop Or True Events?


Wikileaks 46/62/100/143 Misdirect (37/62/100/143 Falseness) (64/62/143 Preprogram) (62/100/143 Falsifications, Contrivances, Manipulative) (62/55/134 Monitoring) (80/100/134 Fictioneering) (80/100 Recapitalization, Superdevilishness) (55/80 Satan) (Org/ROrg 77/166 The Big Lie, Inventable, Fictioneer, Doubtfulness, Character, Preconceptional, Programming)

Whistleblower 72/81/180/171 Improvisation (63/81/207/171 Superdubiously, Proscriptively) (63/90/180 Shadowable) (72/72/180 Distractibility) (63/72/108 Puppetism) (63/72/117 Deceptious) (Org/ROrg 163/188 Mystification (136/188 Fictionistic, Orchestrated)

Rubberhose 50/67/113/157 Mainstream, Not Factual, Hypnotizes (50/49/113/130/103 Operation, Dishonest, Bull Shit) (Org/ROrg 139/131 Fictitiously, Ridiculous, Motiveless, Mystically,131/193 (131/193 Illusionable, Improvisational) (139/113 Deceptibility))

Julian Assange 74/133/218 Fictionalized (61/83/133/218 Deliberations) (83/52/110/133 Contrived) (83/61/182 Unworshipful, Deceivingly, Preconceive) (83/52/101 Shameless) (Org/ROrg 128/223 Artificialize)

Writer Daniel Berg 71/100/262 Conceptualisation (100/98/226 Distrustfulness, Programmability) (89/154/170 Deceptiously) (100/71/154/170 Impersonates, Enterprising) (71/100/154 Preposterously) (89/154 Fictional) (100/89/181/170 Extemporizing) (Org/ROrg 226/206=113/103/130 Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest (131/103 Unrealistic, Illusionable))

The Fifth Estate 71/82/152/226 Propagandistic (62/82/152 Instructible) (152/226=76/113 Mainstream, Not True, Hypnotizes, DisInfo) (73/62/145/152 Reinvention) (73/62/154 Mockable) (62/118/152 Controlled) (62/125/226 Uncertifiable) (Org/ROrg 187/191 Impersonations (119/187 Characteristically) (119/178 Superficial, Star Of David))

This Wikileaks pysop was intended to fuel the Economic Debt Market. It was created to make capitals in which the banks loan out money to finance the operations. As one can plainly see that RUBBERHOSE...the network that ran Wikileaks is a mainstream media creation and thus isn’t even real. They created Julian Assange as a enemy of the states but he’s a fictional character creagted to be the controlled oppostion willing to participate in this elaborate psyop. A elaborate hoax needs a writer to tell the story of Juilian Assange’s exploits to give him credibilities but he’s controlled also. All of this storytelling ultimately came to it conclusion with the movie THE FIFTH ESTATE released on OCT 11 which is 11/10 which is 111 which is 666...the date was planned to maximized the sales of tickets which greatly added to the Debt with worldwide ticket sales. I have to hand them the ocsar for DECEPTIONS AND LIES which the mainstream medias know how to spin and create wealth.

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