Tuesday, November 5, 2019

In Accordance To This Decode....WAR IS HELL Of A Script!

Remembrance Day Decoded

Lest We Forget 56/70/155/169 Novelisation (65/70/155/196 Misconception) (Su/RSu 930/1014=93/114 Choreograph, Cheatableness, Characterised, Performance) (93/141 Superscripts) (Org/ROrg 138/186) Misdirection (168/183 Flatulentness))

Remembrance Day 73/107/154/251 Ritual Sacrifice (80/73/134/217 Fictioneering) (71/64/125/172 Filthifying) (80/215 Scriptitiously) (Org/ROrg 176/202 Fraternization)

Armistice Day 64/80/127/197 Manufactured (80/91 Scriptitiously) (Org/ROrg 124/200 Misclassifications, Unassignable)

Veterans Day 53/64/134/163 Moonwalking (71/91/163 Scriptitiously) (Org/ROrg 139/158 Controlling (185/193 Corporationism))

Remembrance Sunday 82/98/181/278 Amphitheatrically (82/98/181/170 Extemporizing) (118/152 Controlled) (98/73/125 Masterminded) (Org/ROrg 216/234 Overpreoccupation)

Poppy Day 46/53/118/98 Shunners (98/181 Unrealistically) (Org/ROrg 122/94 Scripted)

November One One (63/81/162/216 Premanufacture) (72/81/216/162 Noninjuriously) (63/90/99 Mockery) (63/72/135/216 Superfinanced) (Org/ROrg 182/169 Improvisatize (128/169 Crookedness, Nonsensible) (128/196 Confabulator))

at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month 246/294=123/147 Conspiracy, Divinizing, Duplifying (147/231 Conceptualised) (174/231 Superbelievably) (Org/ROrg 224/235 Superdevilishness)

I wasn’t there in the pits of hell seeing body parts being blown apart or shot up filled with bullets but If war is a hoax and a really big deception then this decode is accurate in my mind.

What are the odds that all of the DAY’s decoded to a numerlogical 8/10 which is 18 which is 6+6+6 (666) The word SCRIPTITIOUSLY is coded in three of five of the DAY’s which shows to me that war followed a script but if anybody lost their lives remains a mystery.

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