Monday, November 25, 2019

12 Strong Fights On Horseback With Unlimited Ammo...That's The American Way!!

12 Strong...America’s Answer To The 9/11 Aftermath

Twelve Strong 54/63/144/180 Nonauthentic (54/63/90/99 Mockery) (72/99/180 Semitheatrically) (63/90/180 Superabsurdity, Supermentality) (54/63/90/180 Farcialize, Disbeliefs, Shadowable) (72/90/144 Amphitheatrical) (81/99/207 Conspiratorially) (72/81/207 Nonauthenticity) (72/81/180 Improvability) (Org/ROrg 156/168 Fictitiously (165/186 Orchestration, Nefariousness)

The Only Way Home Is Winning 107/73/134/217 Fictioneering, Inconceivably (73/127/143 Preprogram) (37/134/109 Puppetize) (107/136/134 Awlessness) (73/125/172 Nonsensical) (71/125/172 Filthifying) (Org/ROrg 289/332=298/332=149/166 Sensationalised (194/166 Condescensiveness))

Task Force Dagger 68/85/140 Scriptorial (58/68/103/140 Theatrics) (68/85/140 Mockingstock) (68/94/265 Condescensiveness) (103/104/256 Hypersuggestibility) (77/94/256 Nonauthentication) (85/68/121/176 Contrivable, Programmable) (Org/ROrg 156/249=52/83 Dupers, Unfeasibleness)

Horse Soldier Statue 109/89/172/233 Superimprobable, Superinfluenced (80/109/253 Recapitalization, Dishonorableness, Deceivableness) (80/109/181/170 Extemporizing) (Org/ROrg 196/290 The Synagogue Of Satan (196/209 Sensationalists) (169/209 Pretendingness))

Filmed In New Mexico 93/105/183/276 Mischaracterizing (87/93/195/183 Restorationism) (87/93/114/183 Choreograph, Performance) (93/78/183/141 Superscripts) (78/93/105/138 Pretender) (Org/ROrg 210/249=70/83 Inauthenticity, Counterfeiters, Impersonations

Four Capped Eight Capless 103/130/113 Bull Shit, Dishonest, Operation (103/113/229 Superimprobableness, Overaggressiveness, Nonphotographically) (121/203 Programmable) (104/121/176 Contrivable) (113/211/194 Transcriptively) (113/121/221 Superartificiality) (Org/ROrg 253/341=143/235 Falsifications)

The heroic story of 12 American soldiers who witness 9/11 and then they had to go to Afghanistan to stop the further aggression of Al Qeada by teaming up with the local militas and on horseback save America’s pride. The story is far-fetched and not credible to me. The action scenes were overthetop and equally unbelievable. 12 Strong soldiers went to kick butt and 12 came home....the odds were against them but because it’s a Hollywood script they returned home heros with a statue in their honour on display on the World Trade Centre for all to gasp at.

The picture decode reveals that this narrative is a complete farce and fictional. What are the odds that the four/eight soldiers would decode to the infamous 113 number and the number 48 which equals a HOAX and was perpetrated by the Synagogue Of Satan and the Cabal. Any one watching this movie thinking this is an authentic and a real life story should be asleep and needs to wake up.

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