Sunday, November 10, 2019

Dolly The Sheep...STAGED PROP????

Can Scientists CLONE ANY Mammals?

Dolly the cloned sheep 18/36/27/108 Faked (36/63/90/99 Mockery) (27/63/126 Mislead) (27/36/99/63 Untrue) (9/27/36/72 Scam) (27/36/63/126 Heckles) (72/90/207 Questionability) (63/90/198/207 Incredulousness) (63/90/180 Superabsurdity) (90/99/171 Corporification) (90/117/180/306 Inconceivabilities) (81/99/207 Conspiratorially) (63/90/207/171 Proscriptively, Resultlessness) (99/99/270 Overgeneralization) (Org/ROrg 244/296=122/148 Fraudulent (122/184 Engineered))

Francis Bacon/R Francis Bacon=233/332=233+332=565/5=113
RPrimes- 1031=131=113

Dolly the sheep 26/46/62/154 Mockable (62/82/197/154 Distrustingly) (46/71/197 Manufactured) (73/71/154/170 Deceptiously, Unproposable, Enterprising) (73/107/154 Ritual Sacrifice) (73/80/154 Disbelievingly) (71/73/154 Preposterously) (64/71/145/179 Immortalized, Ununiqueness) (53/64/179 Truthlessly) (Org/ROrg 170/181 Extemporizing, Intentionally)

Dolly Sheep 50/49/149/121 Staged Prop, Purposeful (85/95/211/194 Transcriptively) (85/95/211 Newsworthiness) (50/49/112 Conjurer) (Org/ROrg 126/144 Excrements, Shockproof (144/261 Amphitheatrical, Hypermiraculousness))

Cloning 38/34/74/115 Masonic, Baloney (38/43/110 Hoaxster) (74/151 Conspirative, Improvisatory) (47/151 Dupability, Impossible) (83/151 Improbability) (47/115 Schemingly) (Org/ROrg 88/101 Shameless, Increditability, Sensationalising, Conceptualizations, Nonmiraculousness (88/110 Commericalizations, Contrived, Unbelievable, Marketers)

Watching the movie GEMINI MAN and the issue of CLONING being the central theme….I thought about the real life cloning of DOLLY THE SHEEP. If people think that DOLLY THE SHEEP is a real life clone then this decode should change your mind. Did THEY choose the appropiate name DOLLY to achieve the codings that is decoded above?? In my mind they did choose the right name and animal for their STAGED PROP. There’s no denying that the numbers reveals that DOLLY is a complete hoax and that cloning can’t be achieved by any method. It’s all deceptions and lies to make news and hype to get more funding to do more deceptions and lies.

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