Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Planes Were CGI...You Must Believe

102 Minutes That DUPED America

One Hour Forty Two minutes 339/255=113/85/58 Mainstream, Green Screen, Operation, Dishonest, Hypnotizes, Superimprobableness, Conceptualistically) (123/147 Conspiracy, Duplifying) (129/114 Scripture) (114/183 Choreograph) (114/111/255 Superartificially) (132/111 Woundless) (111/213 Choregraphic) (123/120 Conjurers, Trickster) (138/132 Dishonesty) (Org/ROrg 280/314=82/134 Programmatic (82/143 Contrivances, Manipulative))

60 Minutes 42 Minutes=6042=642/2=321=123=One Two Three 58/50/184/113 Green Screen, Debatefully, Superimprobableness) (50/113 Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest) (Org/ROrg 136/161 Counterfeit, Trickstress

321+123=444=Four Four Four 36/36/72 Tyranny (45/63 Mockery) (63/81/207/144 Extortionists) (72/63/180/144 Exploitatory, Nonhostility) (72/81/180 Improvisation) (Org/ROrg 159/165 Transformism, Fraudulently, Manipulators, Conjurations)

Planeless Reporting 90/99 Mockery (81/180/225 Distractibility) (90/81/180/171 Improvisation) (90/99/171 Corporification) (Org/ROrg 240/246 Superexceptionally, Nonimpressionistic (120/123 Conjurers, Collusion, Trickster)

One Zero Two Minutes That Changed America 173/178 Remote Control (173/286 Condescendingness) (137/214 Collaboration) (187/137 Preposterous) (137/241 Prefabrication) (137/223/317 Establismentarianism) (164/268 Preacknowledging) (146/178 MisInforming) (146/232 Depersonalised) (Org/ROrg 393/552=131/184=113/184 Green Screen, Debatefully)

This decode should open some eyes to who was responsible for 9/11 Note the words GREEN SCREEN which is coded into 123 and the other two decodes. This GREEN SCREEN coding highlights the mainstream medias culpabilities in the 9/11 events in which two alleged planes crashed into the twin towers thus weakening it’s structural integrates and ultimately reduced the building into rubbles. The words REMOTE CONTROL is the right words to describe the controlled demolition of the twin tower by operators triggering the explosives imbedded into the building's structural skeleton thus collapsing the twin towers on cue and in their timeframe as a ritual of a sort.

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