Thursday, November 14, 2019

One MEDIA-Ton Of TNT=Fear Mongering

One Megaton Of TNT Equals One Million Tons OF TNT?

The Explosive Force Of One Megaton TNT 167/157 Conspirators (176/175 Conspiratress) (194/157 Prepostorship) (149/175 Controllably, Subliminally) (122/175 Staged Event) (175/203/230 Misinformation, Supersuspicious) (175/257 Unfathomableness) (158/166 Doubtfulness) (166/239 Preconceptional) (184/194 Orchestrations) (167/184 Miniatureness) (Org/ROrg 393/471=131/113/157 Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Not Factual)

Explosive Force - One Megaton TNT 113/103/130 Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest (113/157 Mainstream, Hypnotizes, Not Factual) (139/212 Thinkableness) (139/158 Controlling) (139/158 Freemasonry) (139/185 Choreography) (139/158 Implausibly) (139/131 Motiveless, Mystically) (139/212 Deceptibility) (Org/ROrg 326/403=326/430=163/215 Scriptitiously (136/125 Orchestrated))

One Megaton TNT 163/188 Mystification, Preposterousness (136/188 Fictionistic, Orchestrated, Ridiculousness) (62/55/107/163 Predevised) (26/80/163 Satanical) (55/71 Laughability) (26/55 Lie) (55/62/136 Counterfeit) (55/62/136/107 Improviso) (55/107/163 Nonfactual) (Org/ROrg 173/178 Remote Control (187/137 Preposterous) (137/178 Overexaggerating))

Mushroom Cloud 75/69/174/177 Extemporising (66/60/177 Fictionized, Improbable) (60/66/96/174 Sublimable, Facsimiles) (66/96/174 Contestability, Foundationless) (66/69/174 Laughable, Perpetuators) (60/66/96/147 Freemason) (60/66/147 Conspiracy, Dishonestly) (Org/ROrg 136/215 Supersalesmanship, Impressionability (215/163 Scriptitiously) (136/125 Deceivableness, Awlessness, Breatheableness))

When doing the research into whether Nuclear Weapons are real...I watch this Youtube video in which the US Army were stacking CRATES AFTER CRATES of what I preceived to be sticks of dynamites. This video was made in the fifties when the whole nuclear scare-mongerings began so they used sticks of dynamites as their URANIUM/PLUTONIUM. By now you should know that uranium/plutonium are harmless and will not expode and cause radiation fallouts.

The army had stacked a whole mountain filled with crates of dynamites with the intention of setting off an explosion but the video didn’t show whether they were successful in their experiment. The question remains.....can one million crates of dynamites create an explosion worthy to be called an armageddon like explosion as seen by the youtube videos on nuclear explosions or are they mainstream media manipulations and camera tricks used to achieve the desired deceptions.

As one can see in the first two decodes that the mainstream medias have their fingerprints on the button of the nuclear weapons and thus they control the nuclear weapons narrative.....which is a staged event. Of note is the useage of the MUSHROOM CLOUD often associated with the nuclear explosions and the word SUPERSALESMANSHIP and IMPRESSIONABILITY which are true to the mainstream medias objective....if the public believes the deceptions then the planning and publicities are well worth the efforts.

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