Friday, July 27, 2018

Did Vic Morrow Die From Pilot Error?

Vic Morrow

Vic Morrow 55/53/136/107 Improviso, Portrayer (37/35/107 Pretend
(53/55/163 Moonwalking) (53/73/170 Imposterous
(53/91/170 Sensationalism) (Or/ROr 101/142 Shameless)

Myca Dinh Le 59/94/176 Conspiratress (49/94/68 Puppet) 
(68/94/167 Imaginativeness) (50/49/94 Nontruths, Forgery) (49/68/167 Gullability
(49/59/167 Fraudulency) (50/49/77 The Big Lie) (Or/ROr 126/144 Excrements)

Renee Shin-Yi Chen 73/89/163/161 Impersonator 
(89/109/244 Unassociativeness) (89/82/161/136 Trickstress
(73/116/154 Fictionize) (82/161 Doubtable) (Or/ROr 197/208 Corruptibility)

pilot Dorsey Wingo 226/206=113/103 Bull Shit, Operation, Dishonest 
(80/91/170 Conspiratorial) (89/91 Improvisatorize) (109/107 Trickery) 
(100/170 Connivance) (100/89 Improvisations, Deceptive) (82/107 Pretend) 
(80/91 Fictitiousness) (Or/ROr 194/238 Sensationalizing)

Vic Morrow or whoever he is was part of an operation that deceived the public into thinking that he and 2 children were killed in a helicopter mishap during the filming of the movie TWILIGHT ZONE:THE MOVIE. If you go on Youtube and watch the’ll see that Morrow and the two child actors were crossing the staged river and the helicopter blades comes down and seemingly kill the three. Hollywood can do all sorts of deceptions and magics to dupe the public….remember the MOON LANDINGS.

The decodes confirm that Vic and the children are actors doing their parts to please their masters. The decode of the pilot as the scapegoat is nothing more than a mainstream media deception. The person is fictitious and used as a prop for the purpose of making up a person to take the blame.

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