Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Phony As A Federal Reserve Note!!

Reese Fallon Mourned At Visitation

Reese Fallon 58/68/112/185 Imagination (77/112/185 Implausibilities
(49/104/112 Conjurer) (59/49/77/112 Shammer, Fumbler) 
(68/103/185 Manipulatability) (59/49/113 Operation, Dishonest, Not Factual) 
(Or/ROr 123/174 Superbelievably, Divinizing)

Julianna Kozis 72/81/198 Nonauthenticity (54/81/162 Hoodwinked) 
(45/63/81/189 Deliberate) (S 617=113p Mainstream, Dishonest, Operation….) 
(Or/ROr 145/206 Counterfeited, Suspicionable)

Faisal Hussain 76/95/193/212 Improvisational (67/139 Fictitious) 
(59/49//139 Damn Lies) (Or/ROr 128/223 Artificialize 
(223=48p Hoax/The Synagogue Of Satan))

a gunshot wound 65/70/128/169 Nonsensible (182/169 Improvisatize)

One Three others injured 112/131 Fraudster, Profiteer (149/121 Purposeful
(121/176 Contrivable) (112/185 Imagination) (113 Mainstream Operation…..) 
(Org/ROrg 288/279=96/93=69/93 Characterizable)

Julie Steel Wearing Sunglasses 151/146 Revivifying, Jesus Christ 
(151=36p Mockery)

Female Wearing Sunglasses 93/132 Invented (255/366=85/122 Staged Event,
Fraudulent) (Org 226/2=113 Mainstream Not True, Not Factual) 
(Org 226/2=113 Mainstream…..) (ROrg 395/5=79 Laughter

With multiple 113 codings in this decode renders this news item a hoax. The victims are contrived by the mainstream medias as is the shooter.The photo decode makes it clear that anyone that believes this story will be mocked. The final decode make this fictitious story a stage event made possible by the mainstream medias. Please save your money and donate it to a worthy cause and not to this obvious hoax duping the public.


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