Wednesday, July 18, 2018

WW I, II And III By the Numbers

World War I, II and III

World War I 51/57/123 Conspiracy (51/120/123 Collusion, Trickster
(57/51/132 Dishonesty) (51/57 Dishonestly, Pretender, Questioned
(201/231 Unconvincibility) (O/RO 114/129 Robotized, Inconceivable)

World War II 66/60/138/132 Dishonesty (60/66/138 Pretender
(66/138 Misdirection, Spurious) (66/132 Propagandize) 
(66/60 Improable, Characters, Glorifiable, Fictionable
(O/RO 123/147 Conspiracy, Duplifying)

World War III 75/69/156/141Extemporize (69/75/114/156(69/75/ Exploitage)
(114 Inconceivable) (75/69/141 Questioned) (69/75/165 Manipulators, Conjurations) 
(141/75 Untruths, Fictionizing) (57/69 Improvisate) 
(75/69 This is a Lie, Propagandists, Counterfeiter
(O/RO 131/166 Programming, Humiliation)

Are we going to witness another World War and what would it look like??? If you go by the numbers, WW I and II wasn’t fought the way it was portrayed in movies or were they??? The only recollections of my understandings of the wars were seen in the movies and on newsreels. You should know by now that the mainstream medias are not to be trusted and WW I and II pointes that out with the DISHONESTY decodes.

The numbers reveals a lot about the past two wars and the upcoming war should they decide to start WWIII will be more of the same with the added PROGRAMMING and HUMILIATION. They can’t hurt the good Earth with a MADD scenario so they’ll have to come up with something different to put the public on the edge of their seats. I think that if the perception of a nuclear war is still WINNABLE in the minds of the public then they’ll continue on that path knowing full well that there are NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS...only what they tell you which is a falsehood.

Will WWIII begin and how will it be packaged by the mainstream medias? Stay tuned and be ready for an uproarious laugh!!!

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